Ch. 38 : It can't be!

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Hey guys like promised an update! It's late but I got it done. Enjoy. X.


"You're such a weirdo.", I laughed as I grabbed some of Sergio's fries.

"Me? Look who's talking! Ms. Paranoid.", he snorted as he swatted my hand away.

"I am not paranoid! I swear I heard something.", I argued as I tried to get more fries.

"Please tell someone else that lie and quit trying to steal my fries!", he replied frustratedly as he tried to stop me.

"I'm not stealing. I'm borrowing.", I replied in a huff as I tried to go around his hands that created a barricade around his plate.



"You realize when you borrow something you have to return it.", he said with a smile tugging at the edges of his lips.

"Ah duh!", I said rolling my eyes as I searched for an opening.

"And how, if I may ask, are you going to return my fries?", he asked with amusement shining in his brown eyes.

"I am going to return them once they take a ride in my digestive system.", I smiled lovingly at him which caused him to laugh and put down his guard.

Without a second thought I reached for a fry but he quickly grabs it and takes the fry away.

I pout and give him the puppy eyes. He looks at me and then back at the fry.

He sighs and looks at me in defeat.

He slowly moves the fry towards me while a grin quickly appears on my face.

I was about to take it.

"Nope.", he replies as as he moves it away from my grasp and takes a bite.

I gasped and quickly recover from the shock.

I reach over and yank the remainder of the fry out of his hand.

"Esmeralda give that back!", he ordered.

I look at him and back at the fry.

I smile and then bolt in to a run towards the parking lot in the back.

I was heading over to the ponds when I was tackled from behind.

Sergio flipped me over and pinned me down.

"Give me it.", he growled.

I looked at him and looked at my hand which held the partially eaten fry and was currently pinned downed next to me.

I smiled wickedly and arched my body to grab the fry with my front teeth.

"No!",he yelled wide eyed as he watched me put it in my mouth.

I quickly chewed it and stuck my tongue at him as I finished it.

"You did not just do that.", he growled menacingly.

"I believe I did do that.", I replied cockily and winked at him.

"Oh. You're going to so pay for that.", he smirked as he began to tickle me.

"No!", I giggled.

He tickled me as I tried to squirm away.

"Please!", I laughed,"Stop!"

"I'm sorry.", I said in between gasps.

"No more!"

I laughed as he continued to tickle me. After a few minutes, he rolled off of me.

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