Ch. 9: Trip to Long Island

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Authors note: Ok so Esme did do it with Charlie let's be mature and understand their two people who are attracted to each other and ya it was weird to write this so please don't judge I DON'T GO INTO DETAILS SO CALM DOWN


Luciano P.O.V.

I woke up smelling roses. I open my eyes and found Esme curled up next to me. She looked so peaceful with her eyes closed, and her chest moving slowly up and down. I wrapped my arm around her waist and buried my nose in her soft black curls. She pressed closer to my bare chest. I chuckled at her action, knowing she was awake but was too lazy to open her eyes. I started running my finger down her spine which caused her to shiver in pleasure. She turned to face me. Her big brown eyes peered up at me. She bit her bottom lip which drives me crazy because I just want to reach over and lightly bite it as well. She had this look on her face which made her look like a tiny scared puppy.

"What's wrong doll?",I asked her while caressing her smooth brown face. She moved closer into my arms. She sighed. I gently cupped her face with my hand. I didn't say anything until she looked me in the eyes.

"Esme." She looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"It's just I promised myself...",she started sobbing into my chest. I hugged her tighter until she pulled away from my embrace. She sat up wrapping the bed sheet around her naked body. She got up to leave. I grabbed her wrist.

"What did you promise yourself?",I asked her looking at her with bewilderment. What could possibly be so bad to get her to act like this. "Esmeralda."

"This.",she said gesturing to the bed a few moments ago we were cuddling in. I let go of her wrist and sat down on the sheets we were in last night. I couldn't believe she regrets what happened between us. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to rap my head around this.

I picked my clothes off the ground and started putting my underwear on.

"What are you doing?", she said looking at me with her puppy eyes while I was getting dressed.

"I'm leaving.",I said coldly while putting my pants on not even looking at her.

"So we have sex and you leave.", she said. I looked up at her. She made it sound like I'm treating her like a whore and leaving her as if she didn't matter.

"No. We have sex, you regret it and I leave.", I said with anger in my voice.

I look at her and she had mix expressions on her face. From confusion to shock to sadness. I started buttoning up my shirt. I'm not just going to stand here and hear her say she regrets it.

"I don't regret it.",she moved closer to me until we were two feet apart,"Do you?"

I looked at her as she looked at the floor. All the anger went out of me as I lifted her chin with my hand and saw tears in her eyes. I wiped them off her cheek with my fingers as I cupped her face in my hand.

"No. Of course not.",I wrapped my arms around her. She whimpered in my arms. I sighed pulling myself away. "So what do you mean when you said you promised yourself not to do this." I was still trying to wrap together what she said and meant.

"That I didn't want to have sex.",she said while wiping her tears off her cheeks. I sat down with my shirt half buttoned up. Rubbing my eyes with my hands trying to process what she was saying.

"Charlie. I don't mean that I didn't want to have sex with you. I mean that I didn't want to do it period.",she looked at the ground ashamed of what we did."I'm a virgin. Scratch that. I was a virgin." She sat down on the bed and buried her face in her hands. "I'm only fifteen and I lost my virginity to a guy I met only a few days ago. My parents would be so ashamed and disappointed in me....I wanted to save myself for my wedding night.....", she started sobbing into her hands.

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