Ch. 2: New York

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"Its feels like we been living in fast forward

Not another moment passing by

The party is ending but its now or never Nobody is going home tonight

Katy Perry is on replay She's on replay

Dj got the floor to shake

the floor to shake

People going all the way ya all the way I'm still wide awake

I wanna stay Up All Night..." We started singing Up All Night by One Direction when we left the airport all the way to the cab. I couldn't believe our parents actually let us come. Our parents are the strictest parents ever, mine don't even let me go to a friends house let alone a party. For them to actually let me come is like a sliver of heaven god put on earth just for me. Julisa's are better than mine, she got to go to the Up All Night tour when they were in Houston. Sandra's let her go to a friends houses. Jenny's aren't really strict.

We were pumped, and ready to tear this city apart.


"It's magnificent." As soon as the doormen opened the front doors.

We were speechless. The Dream Palace hotel was the most gorgeous hotel we ever seen. The hotel was this massive building connected to other buildings. The front entrance had this arc with a red carpet under it. Which led to the lobby's front doors, made out of glass. The lobby itself was stunning. Had this beautiful, hand crafted white marble, angel fountain. Stained glass right above it. Polished, white marble floor. A soft brown walls complementing it. The feel was 1920s style. Elegance is the only word that can really fit it.

As we took in every detail, a doorman brought in our luggage.

"Ms. Jaime, will that be all?", the young doorman asked startling us.

"We need our room key and these luggage carried up there. If you don't mind, that is?", I responded with a sincere smile.

The young man blushed, "Of course. It'll be just a minute." He went to the front desk and gestured toward us.

"Here you go ma'am. Room 206, 207, 208,and 209.", he said handing me the keys. I winced when he said ma'am. I hated when people called me that.

"I thought we were to be suited in the same room."

"The rooms are all connected. It's the same key, but different number."

"I hoped no one else has the same key."

"Of course not, ma'am. Every suite has different keys. Now would you please follow me."

We got in the elevator and noticed it was quite old. It had two metal bar doors, a red violet carpet and it remained me of the scene of Titanic. Where Rose goes in the elevator and tries to rescue Jack. It had the same style, but different colored bars. Those were gold and these were black.

We went up to the 4th floor and passed one door.

"Here we are, ma'am." As he set the down our luggage.

"Is there anything else you need, ma'am?"

"Yes.", he looked at me waiting," Don't call me ma'am."

He blushed,"Yes, ma'a- Miss."

As he walked out completely embarrassed. I couldn't help feel bad for him. It wasn't his fault I didn't like to be called ma'am.

I immediately took in every detail. The room was filled with white walls with gold outlining them and a polish, light cream floor. The living room was adorn with a soft cream sofa, two decorated chairs, soft velvet rug in the middle of the room. The drapes were a cream colored and outlined with vivid red. The cutest little lamps with light pink dots contrasting with the soft cream base color.

"I love this room.", Julisa exclaimed as soon as she took a look around.

"It's so 1920s." I nodded in agreement.

"It's old." Jenny wrinkled her nose in disgust and flopped on the sofa. While Sandra nodded in complete agreement and sitting down next to her. I walk toward them and then gave them a good wack on the head.


"Serves you right. For dissing this style." Julisa smerked at their pain.

"Idiots. Haven't you ever heard that you should never bite the hand of the person that is feeding you.", I stated. I was pissed that they could be so mean to something so elegant.

"I'm not biting anyone's hand."

"Jenny, I mean stop bitching over something that doesn't cost you a dime." I rolled my eyes at her sudden lack of intelligence. I flopped down to the nearest chair.

"We should decide who gets what room."

"That's easy. We do it by last name.", I said grinning.

"I get room 206. Julisa gets 207, Sandra gets 208 and Jenny 209." I handed each their key.

"No fair! You probably got the best room.", Jenny accused.

"Jenny, think about it. We only been here for a few minutes. I also never once moved from this room."

"Oh yeah."

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