Ch. 7: Explanations

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"Esmeralda!", someone yelled my name. Julisa barged in my room and pulled my covers off.

I groaned and covered my face with a pillow. Sandra came in, snatched the pillow and started hitting me with it.

"Get up.", she said hitting me in the face.

"You have some explaining to do.", Julisa pushed me off the bed. I landed on the floor with a thud.

"Owe!!", I complained while rubbing my butt with my hand. They were looking at me and then they started laughing on my bed.

"Shut up.", I snapped. I stomped to my bathroom to look in the mirror. I didn't mean to snap at them. I was just mad at myself for yesterday.

I had on my pjs which were a black fluffy pants and a white top. My black hair had loose curls. It looked like I styled it. My white top really shaped my body good. You could see the shape of my curves. But it wasn't that bad, it didn't make me look like slut. Just a curvy chick. I needed to think and get all this anger out.

I tied my hair up and put on my black boxing shorts that had pink stripes on the side. I grabbed my pink boxing gloves. They were still on my bed when I got out of the bathroom. They took in my appearance and jumped off my bed. I was heading out the door when they cut me off.

"Move.", I said pissed that they were in my way.

"Your not going anywhere until you tell us what happened last night.", Julisa said crossing her arms.

"I don't want to talk about.", I clenched my jaw. If I didn't leave now, I probably would of end up hurting one of them.

"But we do.", Sandra said getting mad.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and tightly squeezed my eyes. I took a slow breath in and then out.

"Jenny and me took a walk and we got lost. Four men tried to do something to us. Charlie and his friends came. There was a fight then they brought us home and agreed to see each other tonight.", I talked really fast and noticed that they had deep frowns at my quick reply.

"In detail.", Julisa said getting irritated.

"Get out of my way. Your pushing my patience.", I said sourly.

"Not until you tell us why you agreed?", Sandra said crossing her arms.

"I DON'T KNOW.", I emphasized every word to make my point,"Maybe because we have no choice or maybe because they saved us."

They looked at each other.

"Eli told us everything.",Sandra said while Julisa turned heading for the door. Sandra followed and turned to look at me.

"We just wanted to know if you'll tell us the truth." She walked out, closing the door behind her.

I couldn't believe that they think I'll lie to them. We are like sisters. We have no one left, but each other. It broke my heart to see how little trust they have in me.


"If I'm a bad person

You don't like me

Well guess I'll make my own way

It's a circle

It means cycle

It can't excite you any more

What's your jabble

your jury

What's my offense this time

Your not a judge

but if your going to judge me

Well sentence me to an another life

Don't want to hear your sad songs

I want to open your day

We service on my fall

because you know we are not the same

not the same

oh we are not the same

Ya we were friends who sat together

we wrote our names in blood

I guess you can accept that

the change is good

its good

It's goood ....", I sang Ignorance by Paramore while entering the gym.

I found that it was empty. Perfect. There wasn't a man to harrass me or say boxing isn't a girl sport. I been in boxing for two years now and it was all thanks to my coach. I knew I wasn't good but I wasn't bad. I went to the back of the gym.

I put tape on and started my warm ups.

Push ups, jump rope to get my blood pumping and heart racing.

After my push ups, I put on my gloves and went to the small punching bag to warm up my muscles.

After ten minutes, I started on the punching bag. Fists up one two three punch. I repeated the process until I was in my zone.

Thirty minutes later, I took off my gloves, I then did a spiral kick and sent the bag flying off the hook. I cursed and then lifted it back up. Then started my stretches to untangle my muscles.

After a while, I grabbed my gloves and left the gym sweating.

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