Ch. 31 : Remember the good times

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Sorry for not updating in a month but I had other things to do. Well here it is the chapter you all waited for so patiently. It's called Remember the good times. Enjoy. X. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


When we got back from the restaurant and back to the hotel. We decided to call our parents, since we forgot to do it when we got off the plane.

I went to my room and dialed home with my cell phone.

It rang for a few seconds, then my mom picked up.

"¿Bueno? ¿Quien llama?",she asked who was calling in spanish.

"Ma. Soy Esmeralda Jaime Hernandez. Te llame para decirte que ya llegamos de Nueva York. Y que nos vamos a quedar en un hotel esta noche.", I replied back in Spanish that it was me, her daughter and that we just got back from New York. Also that we'll spend the night in a hotel.

"¡¿Come que te vas a quedar en un hotel?!", she yelled at me surprised in Spanish.

"Mama. Es una noche. Mañana llego a la casa.",I started explaining to her it's one night and tomorrow I'll be home.

"¡No! Llegas hoy a la casa. ¡Vente ahora mismo!", she ordered me to go home right now.

"¡Claro que no! Llego mañana.", I argued with her and told her firmly that I wouldn't go until tomorrow.

"¡Esmeralda Jaime Hernandez!",she yelled.

"Ya me tengo que ir. Bye."

"¡No te atreves colgar me-"

I hanged up on her, just as she was saying not to even dare hang up on her.

I normally wouldn't disobey her but I had to in this case. I wasn't ready to go back to how things were..... not after I met Charlie....

Oh how I missed him........

his brown chocolate eyes always undressed me.....

No. I have to forget him. It's over and he's gone. I have to focus on the present not the past....

I picked up my phone and went through all the pictures I had of my family and friends in Texas.

I took a deep breath in and out. I turned my phone off and walked to the living room.

I found the girls all silent and gloom.

I hoped on the couch and started forming a plan to get them to smile.

"Do you girls remember when we first met the guys?", I asked them as I watched them look up with tears in their eyes.

"It was at the restaurant.",Julisa replied.

"Our first night in New York and we catch the eyes of the mob.",Jenny laughed sadly.

"They watched us with curiosity and lust.", Sandra quietly put in.

"Remember when they saved us, Eli?", I asked turning to Jenny.

She looked up with a gleam in her eye as she recalled the day.

"They were our heroes that stopped those horrible men from doing anything to us.", she replied.

"Remember when they took us home and made sure we were safe. And when they protected us, even though it annoyed me because I didn't want a babysitter.", I laughed.

"I remember when Meyers proposed to me. I remember how happy I felt and how we kissed... it felt like magic....",she said happily.

"I remember my first night with Frankie.", Julisa replied shyly.

"I remember how me and Benny always fought but always slept in the same bed after each fight.",Sandra laughed mischievously.

"I remember when I moved in with Charlie. He bought me anything I ever needed and wanted. How I always waked up next to him in his arms. How he smelled... how he looked when I kissed him. How he took me and made me his... He took my heart without even noticing..... I remember how I felt when I thought I lost him and then he opened his eyes. I will never forget our time together. Because I just realized you guys were right. I love him. I always loved him.", I said as tears ran down my face.

"Why didn't you tell him?", Jenny asked quietly.

"Because I knew we could never be. Because I couldn't except that I found love and I had to leave it behind.", I cried.

"Why did we? We were finally happy! No one would care if we were gone.", Sandra stated sourly.

"We were born in this era. Not in the 1920s. We don't belong in their world.", I sighed,"If there was a way we could stay in both then I would of take that choice."

"But there isn't. And we're back here. Where our family and friends are.", Jenny replied.

"So what now?", Julisa asked.

"We'll have to continue were we left off. We can't tell anyone what truly happened in New York. They'll never believe us.", I said somberly.

"So we forget everything?",Sandra asked bitterly.

"No. We will never forget. No matter how much we want to. How much we need to. We can't. Because we love them and they're forever a part of us.", I replied as I got up to look out the window.

The sun was setting and I knew that tomorrow will be a new beginning for all of us.


We woke up the next day and packed our clothes. We called a cab and payed for our stay in the Hilton's America Hotel.

We didn't talk on the way home. We couldn't. We felt to hollow to open our mouths and make small talk. We went first to drop off Julisa. Then Jenny, after her was Sandra. I paid the cab driver and walked to my house were my parents and brothers waited anxiously for me to enter. They all hugged to the point I felt I was going throw up my organs.

"Esmeralda Jaime Hernandez! ¡¿Porque me colgaste?!", my mom yelled and asked me why I hanged up on her.

I looked at her sadly and mumbled, "Sorry."

I walked slowly to my room that I shared with my sister, Mary. I unpacked and noticed the items Charlie bought me.

I tried holding it in until the night time. Everyone would be asleep then and no one would here me.

"What's that?", Mary said point at my necklace Charlie gave to me.

"My necklace.", I mumbled sadly.

"Can I have it?"

"No!",I said bewildered and clutched it against my chest.

"I mean no. It was a gift.", I corrected myself and put the necklace back in its box.

"Who gave it to you?", she asked as she propped herself with a pillow and waited for an explanation.

"Someone I met in New York."

"You love him?"

I turned to her and slowly put down some of my clothes that I was putting away.

"I never said it was a he."

"You didn't have to. And that answered my question. You do love him."

I looked up at her shocked.

"So what happened? It didn't work out?", she asked patiently.

"Yeah. He lives in New York and I live here. It would of never worked.", I sighed in defeat.

"It could have. It still could.", she said reassuringly.

"No. It couldn't.", I said surely.

"If you truly love him. You would fight for him. No matter what.", she said hugging me and walking to the living room. Leaving me to my thoughts and memories. With my love and pain I sat thinking of Charlie Luciano.

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