Ch. 5: The horrible truth

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Note: Luciano wasn't raised in New York. He was in the east coast. Enjoy


"I'll explain later.",I whispered to them.

The waiter came with our flan, and we finished it in a few bites. It was as good as it was presented, caramel cascaded over the flan. Not to sweet, but not to dull. We would of order another piece, but we felt uncomfortable. Mr. Luciano and his friends wouldn't stop staring.

The lights started to dim again and I quickly took advantage when the men's focus changed. I motioned for the waiter.

"Bring me the check."

"It's already been paid for cortusey of Mr. Luciano."

I motioned for the girls to get up and I asked for our coats. We left the restaurant without a look back. We almost made it to the elevator when a deep voice stopped us.

"Ladies, Isn't it a bit early to leave." I knew who it was before even turning around. As we faced four tall, muscular mobsters. We hid our fear with masks of cocky, flirtatious girls.

"I mean the night still young.", Mr. Luciano continued. I looked at the girls, then took two steps closer to the guys.

"That may be, Mr. Luciano. But we rather spend it in our room.", I said with one hand on my hip.

"The thing is", he closed the space between us and whispered in my ear,"You know my name, but I don't know yours." His breath smelled sweet, and it made me want to lean in. I whispered back,"And you'll never know." I smirked and walked back to the girls.

"When will we see you beautiful dames again.", Mr. Luciano asked while we walked into the elevator. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Who knows."

"Night beautifuls." They stood there, both hands in their pockets and watching us.


Luciano P.O.V.

"So Charlie have you seen those beautiful dames near the stairs.", Benny casually said. I look at Benny and started processing what he was bladering about. Benny had broad shoulders, tall and had black hair. He was the best looking Jew I ever met. No wonder he was such cocky man.

I did notice four beautiful girls with the same style dress, but different color. Their dresses hugged their body and would make any man's head turn.

"Benny, do you think any man in his right mind not notice them." Benny was always surrounded by the most gorgeous dames. Of course none of them could refuse him. He would take them all and not even leave one to us.

"They're looking this way.", Meyers said. I looked at him, for a Jew he was a really good friend and built. He was tall, not to muscular. But he sure can take a beating, even though they beat him to a pulp, he doesn't stay down. Don't get me wrong I'm not biased, but there's never been a relationship between Jews and Catholics like ours. Frankie and me met Meyers and Benny a few days after our friend Johnny was murdered in front of us by his uncle's hired assassin. We were sixteen, poor italians without a dime to our name. The money we earned went to Mr. B, he would protect us from other gangs in exchange for money. My father went into a debt and Mr. B would come and beat my father. Threatened to rape my mother and sister. I swore I'll get my revenge. In this city, friends and family members come and go, you have to treasure them while you still can. When we saw a Jew being beat up by Johnny's murderer, I stepped in. Mad dog was on my list, ever since then. Benny was the best of the best fighters around. They didn't let him in to help Meyers out. Ever since then we been good friends. How strange two Jews and two Catholics bestest buds, each willing to die for one another.

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