Ch. 33 : Talking to the moon

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Sorry for not updating... I'm not going to lie to you guys I was reading and watching tv this whole time sorry but William Levy is on a new novela (soap opera) I was like Oh. My. God. So hot! William Levy!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Sorry but he's been my television crush since I first got into romance shows. I admit that in La Tempestad he looks eh but he's still sexy._. Anyways I wanted to give you this chapter ;) for being so patient with me.

Dedication to my little sister Maria for taking away the tv and forcing me to write until then. Thank her for 'persuading' me to doing this.

(I would of done it eventually but I want to finish this back as soon as possible before school starts) ._. Lots a love. Enjoy.X.


Ch. 33 : Talking to the moon

I woke up by the heavenly smell of bacon and egg. I opened my eyes half expecting to see myself in Charlie's bedroom. But when I realized I was in my bedroom that I shared with my sister, I sighed in utter disappointment and laid back down.

God, I missed him. It was June 10 when I last saw him. Or should I say abandoned him in the1920's New York.

I looked at my phone to see the date.

August 20, 2012

It has been sixty nine days since that fateful day.

The firsts days all I did was go through the pictures of New York with my family. I showed them the buildings, the Dream Palace hotel and the people in expensive suits and gowns. I answered most of their questions about how the city is like. I told them it was glamorous and dangerous in certain parts.

When we got to the picture of the guys, I sobbed a little and told them that these men helped us with whatever needed. I told them how amazingly nice they were with us.

Of course, my parents freaked out that I spent most of my time with four random young men. I quickly reassured them that they were good people that only wanted to protect us from crazy bad people. That all they ever did was to try to make us happy.

I completely and intentionally forgot to mention that they were mobsters that killed people. Because let's face it, my parents would of lost it. And let's not forget they'll never let me out of the house ever again.

The days after those were spent either at Sandriella's home or mine. Sandriella (Ella aka Sandra) , Julissabeth (Lisa a.k.a. Julisa) and Elisabetha (Eli a.k.a Jenny) wanted to just watch movies or talk about New York. We would all get this longing look in our eyes when we remembered the twelve days with the guys.

There was a small knock at my bedroom door that quickly brought me back from my thoughts.

"Come in.", I replied while sitting back up.

The door opened and my older brother,Leo , walked in.

"Hi, Esme. Mom sent me in here to tell you breakfast is ready and that you should hurry. Since it is your first day back to school and all.",he said rubbing his eyes.

I noticed he was wearing white skinny jeans with a I'm sexy and I know it shirt on. I rolled my eyes at that and got up.

"Okay.", I sighed while my mind was still thinking of Charlie.

My brother turned to leave but then hesitated and turned back to face me.

"Esme? What's wrong?", he said as he plopped down on my bed next to me.

I looked at him in shock and quickly shook my head.

"What? Nothings wrong.", I mumbled.

"Esme.",he persisted.

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