Ch. 34 : Got to find her

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Ch. 34 : Got to find her

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Luciano's P.O.V.

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Ugh",I groaned as I reluctantly lifted my head to see the time and to turn off my annoying alarm.


Great. Time to get up. To be truthful, I don't even know how I can even find the strength to get up. Without Esme, I just feel empty inside.

I sit up and stretch my arms. I rub my eyes and got out of bed. I move to the kitchen and start making a cup of coffee. Once its sweet aroma fills my nose and lungs. I start to wake up and remember.

"Esmeralda.",I sigh.

It has been sixty nine days since I last seen Esmeralda. Sixty nine long agonizing days without seen her beautiful face in the morning when I wake up. Sixty nine days without seeing her captivating smile or hearing her gorgeous laughter. Sixty nine days without her peaceful sleeping body by my side. Sixty nine days of not kissing her perfectly shaped lips. Sixty nine days not hearing her angelic voice. Sixty nine days without her body pressed to mine as if god himself shaped her to fit perfectly into mine. Sixty nine days without our crazy conversations that last for hours on end. Sixty nine days without holding her soft and fragile body in my arms. Sixty nine days without waking up to the smell of roses. Sixty nine days that feel like an eternity in my own personal hell.

I hear a knock at the door, which quickly brought me out of my thoughts.

I took a quick sip of my coffee and a bite of something called a pop tart. I have no idea what it is but I assume its a pastry of some kind.

I open the front door of my hotel room to find Meyers holding up a brown envelope.

"Latest update on the search.",he said as he walked in.

We sat down across from each other in the small parlor of my hotel room.

"Well?",I asked as he looked at me with a concern look.

"Charlie. It's almost been two months. We have to be realistic. We haven't seen them since that night. They can be anywhere by now.",he told me with a completely serious face.

I frowned. I've heard all of this before. He's been giving me the same speech since the first day the search for our dames began. An with everyday that passes I get even more frustrated.

"What do you want me to do give up?",I asked while frustration clearly showed on my face.

"I'm not saying that. I mean that there's a possibility that we may never find them if time keeps passing like this.",he replied with a look of sadness crossing his face for a split second.

"If you don't want to find your dame that's find but I'm not going to lose her again.", I said as I picked up my cup of coffee.

"Charlie. I have more interest of finding them than you. You lost a girlfriend who you never told I love you. While I lost a fiancé, who I loved everyday we were together. I know you care a lot about Esmeralda. But we have to remember that we might not find them.", Meyers argued as I sipped my now bitter coffee.

I slightly flinched for a second at his blunt words but quickly recovered. I knew he was only saying the truth but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

"What's in the envelope?", I sighed.

"The latest report from Nico and Alexander.", Meyers responded as he pulled out papers.

"Where's their location now?", I asked as I grabbed another bite of my strawberry poptart.

"Currently in Houston, Texas.", he reported.

"They finished Louisiana?", I asked Meyers even though I knew the answer.

"Yes. They swept through Louisiana,Arkansas, and Oklahoma. We believe that Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California are our best bet because of the large hispanic population and dialect the girls used. We have associates all over the presume locations. They're vigorously searching through them.", Meyers informed me.

"What's Nico's and Alexander's latest report?",I sighed expecting the same negative response of no news of the dames.

"We think we have a lead."

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