Ch. 3: When the world turned backwards

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Ch. 3: When the world turned backwards

I opened my room and immediately fell in love with it. It had a big queen sized bed between two brown drawers with white porcelain lamps. The bed had red and bejewled curtains on the bed posts. A velvet cover sheets and the duvet was also the same color, but with shiny beading. To the right of the bed there was a window and a curtain draped over it. Near the window there was a white sofa and velvet pillows. Plus they were embroided with gold silk and bedazzled with rhinestones. To the left of the bed there was a door. I opened it and there was the most gorgeous walk-in closet. The top row to the left was filled with1920s styled dresses, the bottom row had heels. The top row to the right had coats from leather to fur. To the bottom row had hats from small to large. Between the two rows was a dresser filled with under garments. I started laughing. Really lingerie? I closed it still laughing and turned to the door next to the walk-in closet. I opened it and so did my mouth. It was my dream bathroom. It had that old style porcelain tub in the middle. A mirror to the left of the door with makeup of every kind. And I mean every kind imaginable. The "throne" was hidden by another door to the right of the tub. I threw myself on the bed and sighed. This room is fit for a queen.

I started unpacking, but stopped when I heard a large bang.

"Esmeralda!!!", Jenny yelled,"Get you ass over here!!!!"

I got up from my bed and left the suitcase opened. I barely got out of my room and Jenny practically dragged me to her room. Which was two doors down.

"Look." She shoved me in and it took me a second to look around.

Her room was like mine but different. Her bed was the blue embroided with black silk. Her curtains where the same style and badazzeled with black outlined crystals. She also had a window with a baby blue curtain.

"I told you my room is better.", Jenny laughed,"Isn't it the best?"

"This is exactly like my room but blue and black.", I said bursting her bubble. I walk to Sandra's room, which was right next door. I knocked, then just entered without waiting for a reply.

"Jenny and me have a window." I said to Sandra who had a bag of Takis in her hand while on her bed. She had the same room but without a window and hers was purple with black silk plus crystals.

"Takis! Give me that you stranger!" Jenny ran toward Sandra once she saw Takis.

"No! Get away!" Sandra jumped off her bed and dodged Jenny when she tried to tackle her. They were running around the room. Jenny trying to get Takis and Sandra stuffing them in her mouth.

Julisa opened the door,"What's going on?" Sandra and Jenny slammed into the open door. Jenny took advantage and tugged on the Takis, which Sandra was holding on for dear life.

"That's what going." I shook my head and walk into the parlor aka living room. I sat down in the closest chair.

"Their stupid. I have the same room as Sandra but it's pink with black silk. What about you?", Julisa sat down in the chair opposite of me.


Jenny walked in with Takis in her hands. Her hair was a mess, but other than that she was scratch free. She sat down on the sofa, satisfied that she got the bag.

Sandra walked in and she was a wreck. Hair messed up, torned shirt and scratches on her forearm.

"I won." Jenny grinned, licking her fingers.

"I let you win.", Sandra said sourly. Jenny stuck her tongue out. I stood up and smacked them upside the head.


"Stop playing around. Go get dressed."

"Why?", Jenny asked confused.

"Ain't you hungry?", I said with a fake southern accent. I know I'm from the south, but I was raised in a city. I don't live on a ranch and Texas isn't desert like.


"Then go change, so that we can go and eat at the restaurant." Once I was done talking, they ran to their rooms and almost tripped each other.


"Hurry up!", I banged on their doors.

They had a head start and I still beat them. I changed into a tight fitted red mermaid dress. Also a white scarf and black pumps. Plus a small necklace, earings and a small bracelet my mom gave me. It was made out of gold dolphins. I had a white clutch to go with my outfit and a brown fur coat.

"How do I look?" Julisa did a spin. She had a light purple mermaid dress with a white scarf and black pumps. Plus a heart necklace, bracelet and earings.

"You look good."

"But I look better." Sandra walked out with an emarald mermaid dress with the same scarf and pumps. Plus a skull necklace with rhinestones, earings and bracelet.

"Bam." Jenny walked in with a torquoised mermaid dress, scarf and pumps. Plus a black necklace, bracelet and earings. She took one look at us up and down.

"You hoes copied my style." She sasheyed out to the parlor.

"No, I have my black hair down and straight. Julisa has hers down too. Sandra's is short and spiked tips. You have soft brown curls."

"What ever. Let's go."

We walked down to the lobby, and I froze.

The girls were bumped right into.

"Move bitch.", Jenny said pushing threw.

"Are you ok?", Julisa asked.

I couldn't respond. I was scared and confused. There had to be a mistake.

"Lucky Luciano.", I whispered.

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