Ch. 13: Business

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I'm so sorry I tried uploading Friday but my account was erased and when I got it back the drafts were erased so I had to start it from scratch. Note: I'm not hating on anyone's religion. This was how it was like back then. I respect everyone and hope you respect others as well.


Luciano's P.O.V.

I woke up and found that Esme wasn't next to me. The sheets were in a position that you could tell someone got up trying to be quiet. A strong mouth watering smell hit my nose.

"Mmm... That smells delicious.",I said sitting up as Esme placed a tray of eggs and bacon plus coffee in front of me.

"The best for my tough man.",she said smiling. I smirked and shrugged. She poured me a cup of coffee and sat next to me.

After I ate it and finished my coffee. I was rushing I had to go see the guys to discuss what we had to do. I got up and started changing clothes. From my silk pajamas to my suit.

"Where are you going?",she asked cleaning up the dishes. I looked up as I was buttoning up my shirt.

"I have to go see the guys."

She started fixing my tie, when I was struggling.

"Your injured. You should stay and rest.",she said looking at me. She was probably noticing my scar that outlined my jaw. From my side burn to my chin.

"I'm fine. Besides you just said I was your tough man.",I said leaning down to slowly kiss her on the lips.

"No, your not fine."

"Yes, I am."

"No, your not."

"Yes, I am."


"Esmeralda.",I grabbed her and kissed her. I leaned her to get a better angle.

I stood her up. She looked kind of dizzy, so I held her up.

"Esme. I'm fine.",I told her completly seriously.

She nodded, speechless.


After I left her in my apartment, I went to Meyers' apartment where we agreed to meet.

"Hey look who finally decided to show up.", Benny said smiling as I entered the parlor. I sat across from Meyers and next to Frankie.

"Esme was being stubborn on me staying in bed to rest.", I said shaking my head.

They laughed and I looked at Meyers. I started to remember the day Meyers and me fought.

We were leaving my apartment building.

I was heading to Long Island.

"Charlie. Don't go. It might be a trap.",Meyers said blocking my way out.

"Are you saying Joey is setting me up?",I asked getting tired of this same argument.

"Joey is my friend,Meyers.",Benny said siding with me.

"I'm not saying that. I just think you should be careful. At least take us as back up."

"I have to agree with that. Masseria is trickster.",Benny said looking at me.

"Listen I can take care of myself.",I told them as I started walking away.

"What ever happened to sticking together? That we are equals?",Meyers shouted. I turned around.

"I'm the leader. Do you remember why?",I yelled at him.

"I do remember, Charlie. We choose you as a front. An image."

"I'm the leader because people listen to me. You know why your not? Because your a Jew. A Jew can't get the connections as the ones I have. You know why? I'm Catholic and Italian. I can get people to listen and to follow."

"All that money made you havea swelled head!"

I punched him square in the nose. He was shock at first, but then he started punching back. We were on the floor, punching each other. Frankie and Benny were trying to pull us apart.

"You guys are friends! Stop!"

When they finally could, I started walking away.

"Your going to get yourself killed!",Meyers yelled.

I walked away and headed for Long Island.

I looked at Meyers now.

"Listen Meyers. I'm sorry for not listening to you and fighting with you.", I apologized to him,"Next time I get a swelled head just shoot me. It'll be less painful then the hard way."

"No problem.",he laughed.

"Now that Charlie doesn't have a swelled head and is recovered. Let's get back to business.", Frankie said seriously.

"How do we take down Masseria, but at the same time not get killed.",Meyers asked.

"We have the fat pig to protect us.", Benny said.

"He's confused. He doesn't know why Charlie went to speak with Masseria.",Meyers replied, "We need them to kill each other. But how?"

We looked at each other while Benny looked confused and then outraged.

"No! No! You can't kill Joey.",he yelled while standing up.

"Benny he set me up.",I told him.

"No. No. He's my friend."

"He betrayed Joe Maranzano. He always said he's like a father to him while he was working for Masseria.",Frankie put in.

"If we whack him. Masseria would believe that Maranzano found out about their secret alliance. Maranzano would believe Masseria killed him.",Meyers explained.

"And all out war brakes out. We have stay out of it. Making both think we are on their side.",I stated.

"I'll kill Joey. He's my friend.",Benny gave in.

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