Ch. 40 : Please

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Hey sorry for the late post! I hope you like it! Enjoy. X.

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Luciano's P.O.V.

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It's been two months since I sent Nico and the boys to search for her in Texas.

So far we only got rumors of her in Houston and Dallas. I sent my men to search the towns in between the two cities.

Though they have found no evidence of her living there recently, we have found some information. It's really outdated but now a days I take what I can get.

Sometimes I think to myself that she was just a dream that could never be achieved. A hope for something fighting for. I even came to think that she could be my salvation.


How can she save me if she broke me even more?...

Every minute that passes without her by my side is like a jab to my chest.

I need her ....more than air itself.

I need her...

I took a gulp of my daily dose of whiskey to numb my senses.

Recently I have not been able to function without the help of liquor to make me forget and focus on expanding my community.

Despite my need and long searches for her, I have to stay on top of my empire. If there's no head then the body will die.

Currently Meyers and Frankie are taking care of things and only come to me for final decisions as well as opinions on matters such as turfs.

In between those meetings and debriefings on her, I have spent most of my time locked in my loft playing this centuries music which I have seem to enjoy a lot. I have also get intoxicated as I read files of information that my men happen to come across during their searches.

She was born in Houston and lived there to the age of 8 years old. She has a clean record and seemed to have been a popular child.

Of course, this does not surprise me she has this gravitational pull that captivates anyone who meets her.

She has one restraining order against a woman who is her uncle's ex wife. Says that the ex wife followed her family everywhere they went and egged their house. It also mentions on the date of the arrest the woman tried breaking into her home by climbing on the rabbit cages and breaking the window while they were inside minding their own business.

Parents testified that she had barged in to their home before and have terrified their children.

I remember when I first read the report I was furious that my poor dame had to grow up in fear of the shadows.

A month ago there was one report that mentioned the location of her old homes. I remember running to the car and speeding like a maniac trying to follow her footsteps and go through the years of her life up to age 8.

It gave me a sense of her childhood life. I felt like I could see her past unfold before me.

Her innocence.
Her light.
Her joy...

Oh my sweet dame...

How I miss you!

Come back to me!


I gulped down the last drop of whiskey and called for another bottle.


I turned to face Nico, who walked in with a waiter and a bottle of sweet nectar.

"Report.", I commanded as I pour another glass and chugged it burning my throat in the process.

Nico eyed me warily as I served myself more and sat down on the leather couch.

"So far no sign of her."

"So why have you been in that town for the past two months?", I snapped as I glared at him.

"It's a nice town. Plus my favorite food truck is there. They have the best tacos. Charlie, I bet you'll like them.", he replied calmly.

I nodded and looked away.

"Would you like some? I can buy you some?", he asked.

"You know I don't want anything but her.", I whispered as I glanced at the piles of folders and reports.

"I know. I wish I could be more helpful... I hate seeing you like this."

I picked up a picture of her and rubbed my finger over her face.

"Then find her."

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