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Last night was definitely something. Seokjin would have never imagined in his wildest dreams that he would wake up — entirely naked — in Jeon Jungkook's bedroom after spending a night on it with not only the Jeon Jeongguk himself but also with the Kim Taehyung. The memory brought an unexpected blush to his pretty bare face — already crimson red.

They seemed to always surprise him. First, with how they both handled him with care, with their kind words, whispers, soft touches and with what happened last night.

Being on the wild side, Seokjin expected Taehyung and Jungkook to go hard on him — hard and rough — in their love making. Well, there were moments they were just that, but most of the time it was the utter contrary, they were soft and sweet. And that just blew him away.

Opening his eyes, he found himself alone on the bed. He felt a bit disappointed but then the sun rays through the window caught his attention, he rolled around and was met with a sight, which left him speechless. Jungkook and Taehyung leaning on the window while sipping coffee and maybe tea for Taehyung as the man didn't like coffee. Seokjin was surprised by himself as he wanted them again... just seeing them so relaxed, shirtless, only in grey cotton jersey shorts, hanging on their waist. Were they doing it on purpose ?

Seokjin got up and wrapped the sheet around his naked body. He bunched it on the front and held it dearly to his chest to keep it secure. The two boys turned around in that moment, noticing that he woke up. Their eyes met and Taehyung and Jungkook gave him soft smiles — Seokjin felt himself falling. "Come closer."

He walked up to them and they automatically engulfed him in a warm embrace, they wrapped one of their strong arms around him, kissing his hair. "How are you feeling ?" Taehyung asked.

Seokjin hummed, "I'm fine... I feel excessively happy."

Jungkook looked at Seokjin's shy smile and let out a little laugh, "It's not excessive, it's just the right amount of happiness you needed." Taehyung couldn't help but look at Seokjin, his cheeks were simply decorated with blushes. It was something beautiful to see but the fact that Seokjin was blushing so much, his ears, neck, and now his cheeks, Taehyung wondered if this was the first time Seokjin had slept with someone.

Jungkook, as he was facing Taehyung, saw how his friend looked disturbed by something. Jungkook tightened his arms around Seokjin, causing him to pull the younger man completely out of Taehyung's arms. But it didn't matter, Taehyung still looked lost in thought and he didn't realize that his arms were now hanging at his sides. Seokjin, having noticed what was happening, raised his head to look at Jungkook's face with a questioning look. Jungkook looked down at him and raised his eyebrows. "What's wrong little fairy ?" Seokjin hummed and then remained silent for quite a while, "You're overthinking things again, aren't you ?"

Jungkook's deep voice finally caught Taehyung's attention, "What's wrong ?" he asked looking from Jungkook to Seokjin, he stood between the two. "Sorry, I was distracted."

Jungkook gave him a mocking smile, "We wonder why," he said. Taehyung turned to him and returned the teasing smile. "Mister had his head in the clouds, but now he came back to Earth !" Jungkook continued. He could see how Taehyung was getting annoyed and he was enjoying it in a way, but his moment of amusement came to an end when Seokjin pushed him slightly and pulled back from his arms.

"What's bothering you ?" Seokjin asked after turning to face Taehyung. The older man sighed and slipped his hands into the pockets of the cotton jersey shorts. "Are you going to talk or do you want me to beg you for it ?" added Seokjin quite annoyed now. Couldn't he just say what was bothering him ?

Taehyung sighed, "I was just wondering if last night was your first time with someone. That's because it doesn't seem like your first time at all," Taehyung finally said. While Jungkook's eyes widened, giving way to a shocked expression, Seokjin was quite calm. Maybe he was expecting it. His calm and serene face had Taehyung frowning. "I can't believe it... So this wasn't the first time you've slept with someone ?" Taehyung asked in a disappointed tone.

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