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Seokjin has been waiting for Jungkook at his place with Taehyung and Breezer but one hour went by then it became two then four and soon five and still, there was no news about Jungkook and he never arrived at Seokjin's place. Worried sick, Seokjin tried to call Jungkook but the later wouldn't answer the calls. After the tenth attempt Seokjin realised that it was pointless. Jungkook would never miss his calls. For a moment Seokjin thought that maybe Jungkook was driving so he sent Jungkook a text instead, but even if he was driving Jungkook would have answered his call. 

Knowing Jungkook, he can never resist Seokjin's calls.

When the stars started to show themselves in the dark night, Seokjin became highly anxious and couldn't keep still. He kept asking Taehyung to call Jungkook but every time the latter did he'd get Jungkook's voicemail. Every time he called.

Taehyung didn't want Seokjin to be stressed out by whatever Jungkook was doing somewhere so he distracted Seokjin, had dinner with Seokjin then they showered together and headed to bed.

"Jungkook said he would be on his way three hours ago... He should have reached here a long time ago. Where might he be?" Seokjin asked, his head comfortably lying on Taehyung's chest.

"Something might have came up and he didn't have time to tell us about it. Let's sleep, okay? I sent him a message to tell him that we are going to sleep now and that he should stay where he is or head home then come back tomorrow if he is far from here. In case he still decides to come here then it's okay. I added that he can call me and I will go open the door for him. Let's sleep, okay? You need to rest. You seem a bit feverish."

Seokjin simply hummed. However, Taehyung's words flew over Seokjin's head. He was far too worried to imagine that Jungkook was all right. There was this strong feeling inside him telling him that no, something wasn't right. There was something fishy and he should try again to contact Jungkook, or wait for him and stay awake. Under no circumstances could he sleep.

Minutes went by and soon Taehyung fell asleep first. Seokjin lay his head on the pillow beside Taehyung's one, staring intently at the latter. 'Something is definitely wrong and you're not telling me what it is. You two grew up together so you know this isn't like him at all. I can feel it in my heart that something is not right with Jungkook... And my heart won't be at peace until I see him with my very own eyes. I'm really sorry.'

Seokjin swept a hand in front of Taehyung's face then gently stroked his cheek before retreating his hand. Seeing that Taehyung didn't wake up, Seokjin got out of bed. He walked into his closet, picked a baby blue sweatpants and sweatshirt set with a pair of white socks then got dressed.

Seokjin picked a pair of shoes and a puffer jacket then walked out of the room on his tippy toes. He stopped when he heard a groan. It was his Breezer. He was standing there staring at Seokjin as if wondering where the latter was going this late. Seokjin knelt and picked him up.

"I know you... You'd try to wake Taehyung once I leave and there is no one here to take care of you so guess what? I'm taking you with me. Let's go and check on what your papa is doing baby," Seokjin whispered to the tiger cub as he walked down the stairs.

Once in his car with Breezer settled in the backseats, Seokjin checked Jungkook's location on his phone. The place shown is unfamiliar to him but Seokjin did not care. He just wanted to see his Jungkook so he started the car and left the car park.

When he got there, Seokjin was surprised to see that it was a sort of pub and brothel. Seokjin's little heart began to race when he saw this. He found a place to park not far away and slipped into the back seats to put Breezer in his animal bag. Luxurious I might add.

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