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Since the inconvenient evening when Seokjin, Jungkook, Taehyung and all their friends had gone to the nightclub, Taehyung had begun to distance himself from Seokjin.

A distance that Seokjin has started to notice very strongly for a week now. Seokjin was still staying in Jungkook's private mansion. Jungkook had been staying there since his return and did not go to his parents' house. As for Taehyung, at first he slept there too, but after that evening he gave the excuse of work and returned home. But he did his best to drop by from time to time to see Seokjin. If one can call it that, because even when he came to see him he did everything to avoid being alone with him.

And truth must be told, it was beginning to annoy Seokjin. At first, he was really trying to convince himself that Taehyung had a lot of work to do, especially with the filming of his new drama and with his family's business next to that. It must be weighing heavily on him, especially the fact that he had to take care of Seokjin for a whole month.

But little by little Seokjin began to realize that Taehyung wasn't distancing himself away from him just because of work. Something was bothering him and knowing Taehyung, he would never dare to tell him clearly what was wrong.

Seokjin preferred not to bother and let it pass. They were businessmen, it was obvious that they couldn't be together every day, all the time.

Speaking of work, Seokjin was getting tired of sitting at home doing nothing but eating, watching dramas and sleeping. Well, he would also work on some songs he had been writing when he was at the hospital, on the lyrics — he would also hum some melodies and record them or read important documents and review their artists' contracts and invitation to shows, etc...

At least this time he had his tiger cub with him at Jungkook's. It was difficult at first for the little creature so Seokjin asked Jungkook to put baby gates at the top of the stairs.

Seokjin wanted to go back to his companies, he missed it so much. Sometimes he even found himself reading files from Jungkook's company. He wanted to be productive again and not a slacker.

So he made up his mind.

He was going back to work, he was going to wear his business clothes once again and hold board meeting, just all the things he liked. His companies would email him the daily schedules and reports, so it wasn't that hard for him to catch up on everything he missed. But a new problem arose when he saw that he had a business trip scheduled in less than two weeks for a month with his fashion design company team.

They had spent months planning that trip and he couldn't afford to cancel it or even miss it. It just wasn't acceptable. Everyone in his company had worked so hard, he couldn't let them down. And so he decided to talk to Taehyung and Jungkook about it. Actually, he didn't have to ask them for permission because it was his own company, but Jungkook and Taehyung were worrying too much about nothing these days and he knew that if he left like that to go back home it would create a big mess.

Usually, Seokjin is the kind of person who gets straight to the point, but today he didn't know how to tell those two men that he had to leave soon. The problem was that he hasn't been feeling well at all since he woke up, he knew that a fever was coming on but he prayed that Taehyung and Jungkook wouldn't notice. Otherwise it would be even harder to convince them to let him go on that trip.

When he woke up, he was alone in bed with Breezer at his side. After washing up, he went downstairs and let his white tiger cub sleep as the latter had been having trouble sleeping since the bundle of fur came to Jungkook's mansion. Perhaps it was because of the unfamiliar atmosphere.

Indeed, as he thought, Seokjin was alone in the house. Well, with the cook and the housekeeper. "Good morning, Mrs. Kang and Mrs. Jo," Seokjin said as he saw the cook and housekeeper chatting in the kitchen over a cup of coffee perhaps.

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