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The next day looked very bad for Seokjin as not just he was tired and was hurting everywhere but also not even after entering his company building, Kim&Co, a CEO from another fashion agency came to Seokjin's company after seeing the new clothes collection launched in Paris and accused him of copying the brand from her company. Obviously it got Seokjin mad.

The glass of water that was on his desk did not remain untouched for very long, Seokjin took it between his hand and broke it by squeezing it between his palm. His assistant, Mrs. Kwan watched the scene with horror but could not move by Seokjin's order. He was furious and you could see it in his cold red eyes as he looked at the woman.

"I design the clothes personally. This is my business as well as my passion. And you are questioning my passion. As you are questioning my passion I will prove to you that your allegations are false," Seokjin stated.

"How are you planning to do that ?" the woman said with a smirk.

"You're quite an interesting person... coming to my own company and accuse me of fraud. How brave of you. Anyway, since you asked let me answer your question. I will bring my clothes collection to your company and we are going to do a small show to compare the clothes...in front of some guests too. Oh ! How about a free open fashion show ? What do you think ? Still not humiliating enough to me..."

Seokjin smirked seeing the woman gasp slightly and became nervous.

"Why do that when the problem is not that deep ?" she asked.

"Not as deep as your allegation Mrs. Park," Seokjin replied coldly. "Anyway, let's make a deal. If my clothes aren't designed like yours you can hand over all your business in Australia to me." Seokjin smirked as the girl clenched her jaw at him.

"B-but what if they are the same designs ?"

Seokjin hummed, "Then the deal won't go through, that's all."

"I can't accept that."

"Then how about this. If they turn out to be the same designs then my company will make a public announcement and apologise for it and we will invest in your next clothes collection... maybe I can help you out by giving you some of my own personal designs. How about that ?"

Mrs. Park smirked then stood up and stretched her hand towards Seokjin for him to shake it. "It's a deal then."

Seokjin got up from his chair and went to stand in front of Mrs. Park. He smirked as he studied her face. "Even surgery can't save an ugly woman like you..." Seokjin said. He held his head high when Mrs. Park gasped and looked offended. Seokjin slipped his hands into his pockets and returned to his desk.

"Mr. Kim ! Where are your manners ?!" exclaimed Mrs. Park.

"Don't talk to me about manners when you come here speculating about atrocities. This is not your home, but Kim Seokjin's company. Kim-Seok-Jin, you don't know who you're dealing with."

You'd think Mrs. Park's eyes would eventually pop out of their pockets the way she was staring at Seokjin with her eyes wide open. "And who do you think I am? I'm Park Shiho ! Not just any Park you can talk to with such a tone as you please !"

Seokjin blinked and sighed. He thanked the heavens as his phone began to ring, "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to take a call. I'll see you tomorrow for the fashion show. My team will take care of the preparations. All you have to do is bring your collection and your models to wear them. I'll email you the details."

"W-What do you mean tomorrow ?" asked Mrs. Park.

Seokjin raised an eyebrow. "Is there a problem ? Normally you already have the clothes if we're the ones who copied you. Or isn't that the case ?" Seokjin smirked. "Well, you know what ? I'll give you a week. The more people there are the better. And the more people you can get, the more advance notice you need. Tomorrow's too close for us to get a good crowd so see you in a week."

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