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Later that night, after everyone had returned from the club, Jungkook decided to go somewhere to visit someone. Which is why he didn't have a drink at the club.

He rang the bell promptly as soon as he arrived. The more minutes passed, the more frustrated he became and started to walk up and down. "I thought he'd be here by now," Jungkook muttered as he rang the bell again. His foot hit the door lightly and it opened, startling him.

Jungkook glanced inside, nothing but pure darkness, with a few candles lit here and there, enough to see where one was walking. He made his way inside, closing the door behind him. The lights seemed to be on upstairs, so his feet dragged him towards the stairs and he headed for them, glancing around as the house was far too quiet.

"I feel like I'm in a horror movie, ugh! I've got goosebumps. What can I say? Come on Jungkook!"

As he searched for Seokjin's room, he passed a dark room with the door also ajar at the end of the corridor, but Jungkook didn't take a second look. There were two rooms with the lights on and the doors open. Without hesitation, Jungkook went into the first one, following the smell that had been haunting him for a few days now. When he entered the room, the first thing he saw was a black and white photo of Seokjin. On the wall above the bed.

Then he saw something that looked like a picture in the middle of the bed. It caught his eye and he walked over to look at it. It was a blurred image. His instinct told him that he had seen this image somewhere before. But his analysis couldn't go far because he was interrupted by the sound of a door opening. Jungkook turned and met the eyes of Seokjin who had just come out of the bathroom, wearing a black silk bathrobe that didn't even reach his knees. And his hair looked damp.

'Well, isn't this a different kind of attractiveness?' Jungkook thought. 'Sublime,' that's all Jungkook could think of to describe the man in front of him.

"Aren't you afraid I'll see your body?" Jungkook asked, a small smile on his lips. Seokjin just had his eyebrows raised slightly, amused by the other's words. Seokjin scoffed. Jungkook was caught off guard when a simple smile played across Seokjin's lips.

"Why would I?" Seokjin asked. "What you've got down there is what I've got too, so I don't see why I should be afraid," Seokjin said, looking Jungkook up and down. His eyes lingered on Jungkook's thighs for a moment, as Jungkook was wearing dark grey ripped jeans with a black silk shirt. 'This is rather... rather s-stylish! Yes, stylish!' Seokjin thought. His smile faded as his eyes then fell on Jungkook's chest. 'Focus Seokjin.'

The first two bottoms of Jungkook's shirt were undone. Seokjin smiles slightly as he looks him in the eye again. "Or maybe the thing is that you don't have it down... you know..."

'Such a tease,' Jungkook scoffed and bit his bottom lip as Seokjin tilted his head to the side, squinting. Seokjin then approached Jungkook. The latter's eyes widened as he noticed Seokjin's hands reach down and untie the bathrobe, causing it to slide down to his feet.'For fuck's sake,' Jungkook breathed, doing his best not to look down. Seokjin kept his eyes locked on Jungkook's, while the older man glanced at the ceiling sideways and sideways as the seconds ticked by.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking away?" Seokjin smiled inwardly as he watched Jungkook swallow saliva after saliva.

"Don't tempt me."

"Excuse me?" Seokjin chuckled, amused by Jungkook's words. "As if. For your information, Mr Jeon, I'm dressed. What a perverted mind you have there, Mr Jeon."

Jungkook looked down and saw that indeed the younger man was wearing black shorts and a black  tank top. "Don't you think you're the source of these thoughts?" Jungkook declared as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

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