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The arrival at Seokjin's place was stressful to say the least. Jungkook rang the doorbell. It wasn't long before Yeonjun hurriedly opened it, holding a dozing Breezer in his arms. Yeonjun frowned when he saw Seokjin in Taehyung's arms.

"Good evening?" Yeonjun spoke in a confused tone.

"Good evening Yeonjun." It was only Taehyung who replied. Yeonjun then thought that perhaps Jungkook was still angry with him about last night's events.

"Is Seokjin just asleep? Or did something happen?" Yeonjun asked.

"Let's just say he's had a bit too much to drink. Let's put him on his bed first, because he's knocked out now. He needs to sleep comfortably," Jungkook explained.

The two followed behind Taehyung, heading for Seokjin's room upstairs. Taehyung laid Seokjin on the bed. Jungkook noticed Yeonjun's worried look. Yeonjun turned to him, "Can you hold Breezer for a moment please?"

Jungkook nodded and took the tiger cub from Yeonjun's hands. "Seokjin will feel uncomfortable if he sleeps in those clothes, without having taken a shower," Jungkook pointed out.

A faint smirk appeared on Yeonjun's lips. "You seem to be getting to know him pretty well. That's good," he murmured to himself.

"I think it would be better just to change his clothes, put him in pyjamas and that's it. Knowing Seokjin, he'll take a shower in the middle of the night if he wakes up," Taehyung added.

"All right," Yeonjun said hesitantly. "Can I leave you to it? I've got somewhere to be. If you can't stay with him, let me know so I can cancel my date. Seokjin drinks this much very rarely, so I guess he wasn't feeling well emotionally. I don't want him to be alone in that state."

Taehyung nodded, "You can go quietly, Yeonjun. You can go to your date without any worries. We'll stay with him. At least until you come back."

"You can go Yeonjun. We'll look after Bee and Seokjin," Jungkook added.

Yeonjun gave sleeping Seokjin a small smile and looked at him for a few seconds before excusing himself and exiting the room.

Jungkook went to sit on the free side of the bed with Breezer, staring at Seokjin. 'You were that exhausted, Jinnie... Hopefully you won't wake up until later in the day so that you can rest for more hours.'

"In the afternoon yesterday,  he came to my company, as you had asked. He threw a jealousy fit because of my secretary. Seokjin was very upset but I hadn't thought it would lead to this," Taehyung said. "I didn't think he'd let himself go and drink himself to the point of unconsciousness."

"Taehyung you shouldn't blame yourself because I don't think you or that earlier event are the reason for his current state. When we were at that bar he spoke in a very clear way that showed it was me the issue... Seokjin wants to get away from me to protect me. Not get away from you." From the tone of Jungkook's voice, Taehyung knew that Jungkook was feeling hurt. Jungkook gave a sad slight smile to his friend then proceeded to stroke Breezer's fur. "You're the love of his life, Taehyung. You are Seokjin's first love."

Taehyung had never seen Jungkook in such a state. He looked completely lost, drained and lacklustre. Taehyung knew it was because of the situation between his father and Seokjin. It must be terrible to be in that situation because at some point Jungkook will have to choose between his father and the person he loves. One of them is bound to get hurt and punished.

Taehyung went to get some pyjamas for Seokjin with a wet towel. As Taehyung undressed Seokjin, Jungkook's eyes never left Seokjin's face. With Jungkook's help, Taehyung put a T-shirt on Seokjin after wiping his arms and then put cotton shorts on him.

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