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By the time Seokjin had finished listening to Yeonjun's monologues, Jungkook had had time to drink a cup of coffee and eat some snacks as he was very hungry and feeling a bit weak and dizzy. Nana was the one who offered him something to eat while he waited, especially as Jungkook wanted to take Seokjin back with him.

Yeonjun and Seokjin returned to the living room with the others after a good twenty minutes. Their uncertain expressions left the others agreeing not to ask them any questions. They could talk about it if they wanted to.

Farewells done, Jungkook grabbed Seokjin's completely dropped hand and didn't let go until they were in front of the car. Jungkook held out his hand, asking Seokjin for the car keys.

"I can drive, Jungkook. Don't bother," Seokjin said.

"Give me the car key, Jin."

The tone of his voice had Seokjin frowning, Seokjin's hesitant hands dipped into his bag and pulled out the car key. 'Is he angry with me? He called me Jin...' Seokjin thought.

Jungkook took the keys. He waited for Seokjin to get into the car on the passenger side before getting in turn to drive. Once the car had left the estate, Jungkook let out a sigh. He could feel Seokjin's eyes fixed on him. Usually Jungkook wouldn't have minded, but this night was far from being one of his favourites.

"Sleep Jin. It's a long way from here to there," Jungkook said.

"Jungkook, are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you. I'm just a bit tired. Try to sleep, okay? I'll wake you up when I get there."

"But your wounds... let's go to my place instead. I need to clean your wounds as soon as possible."

"Jin, what happened to me is nothing serious. Also I think going to your place right now is a bad idea. You need some fresh air, a long drive will help."

"Tell me... are you angry with me?" Seokjin asked once again in a tone so low it could have passed for a whisper to himself.

Jungkook inhaled deeply, then exhaled. He was simply tired and a bit fed up. Why did his boyfriend attach so much importance to other people? Of course it irritated him. Especially since Seokjin had promised to tell him the whole truth about himself this very day. Jungkook knew that plan had fallen through the moment they walked into Seokjin's property where his friends were staying at. However, on the other hand, Jungkook didn't want to put any more pressure on Seokjin, who already seemed very distraught at the moment.

"I'm not angry," Jungkook said. "Why would I be angry with you?"

"The way you talk says just the opposite hyung," Seokjin replied, voice slightly lowered.

"Jin don't start overthinking and overanalysing. You know that I don't like when you do that..."

"But I haven't started anything! I just want to hear it from you so-so I can stop overthinking. I-I'm just asking if you're mad at me."

"Why are you getting mad? I'm telling you I'm not mad at you Jin. Why would I even be mad? I'm not mad at you. I'm just tired."

"Jungkook when you're mad or about to get mad at me you call me Jin. I don't like that-"

"Don't do this right now please. Right now you just called me Jungkook, not hyung or Kookie but Jungkook. Does that mean you're mad at me? No, right? Maybe I'm irritated but I'm not mad at you. I'm telling you I'm just tired. We're not going to argue over trifles like this."

"It's not trifles... I don't like it when you're angry with me Jungkook," Seokjin's cracked voice made Jungkook turn his head towards him at a red light. His eyes fell on Seokjin's crystal teary eyes. "I can apologize, w-we can talk it out Jungkook. But please don't be mad at me."

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