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The day finally came when Seokjin went on a business trip, leaving Jungkook's private house. He had brought his tiger cub with him as he had planned. But what he thought would be a business trip that would allow him to forget his worries was about to turn into a nightmare. But the thing was that Seokjin felt better after going back to work like he used to.

The moment the plane took off he realised how much he missed travelling. But on the other hand, Jungkook didn't want to let him go at all at the beginning, not only because of the situation with Taehyung but also because he thought that something might happen to Seokjin, with all the chain of events that happened to him recently.

At the moment, Seokjin was on the ground floor of the hotel he was staying in, talking to someone on the phone, when he saw one of his secretaries rush up to him with a worried and desperate look on her face.

"I'll call you back in a moment Mr. Do," Seokjin said and hung up the call. When the woman arrived in front of him, panting, he frowned. "What is it Mrs. Kwan ? Is someone chasing you ?"

"Mr. Kim ?" she said in a loud grunt.

"Yes, Mrs. Kwan ?" replied Seokjin, all ears. "Take your time, just breath," Seokjin reassured her. The woman bent down and inhaled sharply. Seokjin smiled slightly as her index finger rose to indicate that he should give her just a minute. "Take your time, we're in no hurry."

After a couple of minutes, Mrs. Kwan regained her breath and straightened herself to face Seokjin. "Please, save me..."

Seokjin winced, "Save you from what? From whom? I don't understand, please explain properly what's bothering you, what got you into this state."

"I was with the organisers of tonight's event to check on the progress of the decorations, the food and guest list when a man accosted me and asked me where you are. And that same man wishes to invite you to lunch. He said his name is Erik Park, one of Mr. Han's associates. He works on the strategic, IT and digital plan in his company. And most importantly he said he knows you, Mr. Kim. He scared me to death, he appeared in front of me out of nowhere and demanded to see you immediately, he didn't even want to listen to me. I told him you were busy but he said you would recognise him and that no work would be more important to you than meeting him."

Seokjin frowned. He thought for a while then turned back to look at the older woman. He slid his hands into his pockets, tilted his head to the left as he kept wondering if he really knew a person with that name. "That's odd. I don't know any Erik Park."

Mrs. Kwan whined, was she really that scared of that man ? "Mr. Kim, I'm hundred percent sure that you don't know him. I know most of the people related to the companies and I have never heard of him. There is something odd about that man. What should I tell him Mr. Kim ? Because he said he'll either come back to find me or call me in a few minutes to get an answer. I don't know what to tell him."

Seokjin himself didn't know what to say. "Mrs. Kwan, I've never heard that name and there is no way I know that person. And if you yourself don't know him I don't see why he says he knows me. Well, for sure he does not know me and he must have selfish reasons to state such lies about knowing me and saying that he is more important than my work."

"It's exactly because I don't know him that I don't know what to say to him," whined the secretary.

"When he calls tell him I can't because I don't have time. I have to review some files in my room. And don't let anyone come and disturb me, please."

"Understood Mr. Kim. By the way, I also wanted to ask you if you're planning to go to the party that Mr. Arkey, the owner of the premises, is having for the fashion show. If so, then I'll have the stylist prepare an outfit for you for tonight and I'll call the makeup team to your room."

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