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The four weeks passed by and the time came for Jungkook to do what he had been asked to do. Taehyung and Jungkook had spent every day of those four weeks with Seokjin. Taehyung would go to work in the morning and return to Jungkook's beach house in the evening. Taehyung was Seokjin's comfort zone in the evening after a long day.

Even though things are getting better between Seokjin and Jungkook, there's still this tension that sometimes arises between them, making things more difficult and putting them in a pull and push situation. What mattered was that Jungkook had been feeling way better physically.

One evening when Taehyung came home from work, he saw Jungkook outside on the veranda, smoke coming out of his mouth. Taehyung took off his jacket, put his things on the sofa in the living room and went to Jungkook's side. Jungkook hummed in acknowledgement of his presence.

"You haven't smoked in months. What's going on?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook turned his head towards him, "I've been smoking for a while though. You simply didn't notice or paid attention to it," Jungkook said. The tone of his voice made Taehyung frown but before he could ask something about it Jungkook added, "Can you help me with something in the morning?"

Taehyung hummed, thinking, "Depends on what. Last time the favour you asked of me was a little too inappropriate."

"In what way was it inappropriate to make love to the love of your life? I'd consider it an opportunity and a wonderful moment to share with Seokjin... If you thought it was inappropriate, you're going to hate me for what I'm going to ask you to do now," Jungkook said with a very serious look on his face. He took one last drag on his cigarette before stubbing it out. "Let's talk before Seokjin comes back home. It's urgent."

Meanwhile, Seokjin had gone to visit his friends at his own house, where they would meet up on certain days. But that wasn't the only reason why Seokjin went there this time. Seokjin was determined to put an end to all this. He wanted to find a solution to put an end to all these persistent problems that were ruining his life, not only his own but also those of the people he cared about. When he entered his house, he saw them all having dinner. Yeonjun was the first to get up and greet him with a hug.

"Are you all right? Why didn't you tell me you were coming today? We would have waited for you for dinner so we could eat together. It's nearly 10pm now," Yeonjun remarked. "Have you eaten?" he asked. As Seokjin shook his head, Yeonjun took his bag from him to put it on the couch then led him to the dining table where the others were.

Seokjin sat down between Soobin and Yeonjun. He answered everyone's questions calmly as they ate.

"Do you have something on your mind, Jinnie? You seem to be absent-minded," Sol remarked.

"I wanted to ask if we can end the mission," Seokjin said stoutly. The determination in his voice made everyone at the table stop eating.

"What do you mean by end the mission? Finish it as soon as possible or?" Sol asked.

Seokjin inhaled sharply. "Or abandon it."

Everyone at the table frowned, flabbergasted by Seokjin's words. Yeonjun glanced at Soobin as he heard Seokjin's voice tremble towards the end. As if by chance, as always, Soobin had turned his gaze towards Yeonjun too. They knew what Seokjin was going through.

Seokjin's desire for revenge was what had driven him to work hard all those years and also what had made him what he was now. Yeonjun and Soobin knew that it was very difficult for him to give up his revenge for the happiness of the people he loved.

It was as if he had decided to let his parents' murder go unpunished. Seokjin had changed a great deal in barely a year.

"You want to let your parents' murderer live happily in society while he's also consorting with drug dealers and ruining other people's life? Consorting... He is part of that network and one of the leaders of that dastardly business. Seokjin, what's wrong with you? Why do you want to make this decision? This is so unlike you," Sol said.

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