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As soon as Seokjin stepped outside the building, a hand reached out to him from the side. He turned his head to the side and saw Yeonjun and Soobin.

Seokjin knew. Yeonjun was asking for the car keys to give to Soobin.

"Hyung, you didn't even say hello to me, no kiss, no hug, nothing. Why is that? Are you in a bad mood like this? Did I do something?" Seokjin asked to Yeonjun. As the latter wasn't answering him, Seokjin looked back at Soobin for help. The older just sighed.

"He's not in a bad mood. Don't worry about it. Just give him the keys and let's go. You have a dinner tonight, right? Then we have to hurry," Soobin explained.

Seokjin gasped, "Hyung?! I told you to stop listening to my conversations! I'm not a baby anymore!"

Yeonjun sighed. He reached into Seokjin's bag, pulled out the car keys and then turned to Soobin. "I'm taking his car. He's riding with you because I'm really not in the mood for this," Yeonjun said.

Seokjin frowned. "What? But-"

"Let's talk later. I have to pick up Sol on the way. I'll meet you all at home," Yeonjun added and then walked off towards the car park.

As Seokjin was about to go after him Soobin held him by the arm. "Let him go. He's had a hard day at work."

"That's not all, is it? I did something to him, didn't I?" Seokjin asked, distraught with worry.

"Listen to me, you didn't do anything. It's just that you left the company without telling anyone where you were going. Yeonjun spent an hour trying to find you, going home then at the other company but still couldn't find you. So he had no choice but to track your location. He doesn't like doing that, even you know that. But he was too worried."

"Hyung... I'm sorry..."

Soobin took Seokjin in his arms, "You did nothing wrong. He will come back to you soon. Give him some time to forget about this."

"I don't like it when he gets mad at me..."

Soobin pulled away from the hug and just gave Seokjin a smile and a gentle stroke on his cheek. "I know. Let's go or we'll be late."

Well, Seokjin did not expect Yeonjun to completely ignore him once everyone arrived at Seokjin's house...

They were supposed to meet there to make a plan for a mission they have at night the next day and they did the meeting. But it didn't escape the eyes of the others that things weren't going so well between Seokjin and Yeonjun.

While some of them decided to go and rest in the guest rooms, others preferred to go and cook or play games. Soobin was with his boyfriend and was taking care of Bree.

In fact they wanted to keep themselves busy to make Yeonjun and Seokjin talk to each other. And their plan seemed to work well as Seokjin excused himself to go to his room, where Yeonjun had gone.

With the door open, Seokjin could hear Yeonjun's voice on the phone with someone perhaps. Seokjin's gaze fell to the floor. Maybe this was a bad idea...

'Soobin-hyung said he'll come to me of his own accord when he calms down...' Seokjin thought.

But as if his body worked on its own, his hand went up to the door handle and he pushed the door wide open. Of course it slammed against the wall and drew Yeonjun's attention.

Yeonjun turned around and looked at the younger man standing at the door.

Seokjin was fidgeting with his hands. He swallowed his saliva and entered the room. He walked to Yeonjun and stood in front of him.

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