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They remained sitting and in complete silence before Gandalf suddenly stood up with the help of his staff.

-Oh! It's that way.

-He's remembered!- Merry shouts.

The Fellowship starts down a dark stairway. Gandalf puts on his hat.

-No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here- Arya sniffed the air.

He was right, something dark and dangerous was releasing a foul smell from the other stairway.

The wizard rests a hand on Merry's shoulder.
-If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose- he states.

The Fellowship comes to a more open space. Broken columns lying tumbled across the floor could be seen as Gandalf lifts his staff.

-Let us risk a little more light- his staff illuminates and Arya summons another ball of light which hovers at the back of the group which illuminates a giant stone hall with tall pillars and arched ceilings.

Gimli gasps.

-Behold: the great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf- Arya had been to many dwarves cities but their architectural brilliance would never fail to amaze her every time.

-Now there's an eye opener and no mistake- Sam says out loud what she had been thinking.

She knew the king of things dwarves could make yet every time she saw one she remained as stunned as she had been with the first.

The Fellowship walks forward through the hall, peering around a column. Gimli sees a ray of sunlight shining through a chamber.

-Haugh!- the dwarf lets out a chocked scream.

-Gimli!- Gandalf tries to stop him but The dwarf runs into the chamber.

Bodies and weapons scattered about it. The Dwarf stops and kneels by a crypt in the center of the room. A shaft of light illuminates it. Gandalf walks forward and peers at the tomb's surface.

-No! No!- Gimli sobs -No!- Arya and Boromir place their hands on Gimli's shoulder trying to reassure the now miserable dwarf.

-Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.' He is dead then. It's as I feared.- Gandalf translates the runes.

The Grey wizard gives his staff and hat to Pippin, bends down, and takes a large and battered book from a corpse's hands. He opens it and clears the dirt and dust from its pages.

-Kilmin malur ni zaram kalil ra narag. Kheled-zâram... Balin tazlifi- Arya recognised a few words similar to dwarfish kuzul.

She pulled out a necklace she had in hanging around her neck and undid the clasp taking it off. Gimli, Boromir and Legolas watched as the placed the trinket on the stone and hummed a short tune.

The metal melted into the stone and Arya directed it with her magic to form the design that Orik had shown her represented the runes that spelled out the name Helzbog, dwarven deity of the dwarves and their creator.

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