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Back at the hilltop, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli continue to fight the Uruk-hai as Arya tried to make a path through the creatures for them.

In one smooth move, Legolas stabs one Uruk with an arrow then shoots it out at another. Gimli wields his axe. Aragorn stabs one behind his back.

An orc is about to stab the ranger's back when Arya jumps on its back and slashes its throat with one of her diamond daggers. Its dark blood splashes onto the floor, a few drops of it staining her face.


Merry and Pippin run across an old stone bridge. At its far end, they stop and see Uruk-hai running towards them. The Uruks are closing in, both in front and behind. An Uruk runs up to them, raising his battleaxe. Boromir comes charging in, knocks the Uruk back, and kills him with his own axe. He throws a knife at another but many more close in.


Legolas kills Orc after Orc. He shoots down an Uruk who has closed in on Aragorn and then another near Arya. She spins gracefully around with both her daggers in her hands, her sword now at her hip and orcs falling at her feet.
Three loud horn blasts are heard through the forest.

-The Horn of Gondor!

-Boromir!- Aragorn runs down the slope towards the sound, but Uruks are between him and Boromir. The forest sweeps by as he goes.


Boromir sounds the Horn of Gondor again. The Uruks attack him from all sides..
Aragorn battles madly towards Boromir as Legolas, Gimli and Arya take care of the one's behind him.
Boromir kills two more. While Merry and Pippin stab some Orcs.

-Run! Run!- Boromir tells the hobbits.

The Uruk-hai leader walks into view. Boromir fights on. Merry and Pippin continue to throw rocks. The captain aims a black-fletched bow. He shoots.

Boromir jerks backwards at the sudden blow to his left shoulder.
Merry stops in mid-throw as Boromir falls. The Hobbits look at him in shock. Boromir begins to breathe hard. Uruks come closer, and Boromir gives a battle cry, rises, and swings his sword at one, who falls.

The Uruk chieftain growls and walks down the slope. He lifts his bow, and shoots again, as Boromir turns to look at him.

Another black arrow flies into Boromir's stomach. He drops to his knees again, gasping. Merry and Pippin still stand in shock, rocks in hand.

Boromir stares into their eyes.
The wounded man gets back up and swings his sword at another Uruk.

The captain shoots him one more time, in the chest. Boromir falls on his knees and stays there, swaying a little and blinking. His horn is cloven in two.

Merry and Pippin look at him, aghast. They take up their swords and attack the Uruk-hai.

The Uruk-hai lift them up and carry them off as they try to get near their friend. Merry and Pippin wave their arms frantically.

The Uruk-hai troop walks away from Boromir, who looks on helplessly. The captain stops before his foe. Boromir swallows and stares back at him.

The chieftain snarls and pulls his bow back, ready to deliver the final blow.
Aragorn crashes into him, and the arrow flies off harmlessly.

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