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As the beast raises his arm to strike when, suddenly, he falls back. Aragorn and Boromir are behind the troll, pulling on its chains.
Arya runs to the two men and takes the chain's ends standing behind Boromir and Aragorn.

She pulls with all her strength making it stumble more. The troll managed to twist its arm and whip Boromir across the room. He lands in a recess of the wall, dazed. Aragorn goes to help him.

An Orc stands above him, ready to strike. Across the room, Aragorn slings his blade into the Orc's neck, and, still dazed, Boromir gets up. Aragorn nods to him.

They turn to gaze upon Arya who had given the chains a final tug and thrown the cave troll off balance. She gracefully jumped from its hunched back onto its shoulder so it would not reach her and she jumps off to continue to shoot at orcs getting near the hobbits.

From a corner among more of the goblins, Legolas shoots two arrows into the troll, causing it to reel back with a cry.
Gandalf knocks an Orc out with his staff.

The troll swings his chain above his head. He swings at the Elf, and Legolas dodges it. The chain wraps around a pillar. Legolas runs along the chain onto the trolls shoulders. He shoots the troll in the back of the head and jumps off. The troll cringes and stumbles.

Arya catches its chain again as it tries to land another hit on the elf causing it to fall on its backside and turn to her with a growl.

From the corner of her eye she sees Sam hit an Orc with skillet.

-I think I'm getting the hang of this- he turns and hits another.


The troll raises his mace and brings it down at the other Hobbits whom were clearly its targets, causing them to jump aside. Frodo is separated from Merry and Pippin. The troll seeks Frodo, who tries to evade its searches by hiding behind a pillar.

Aragorn warns Frodo as the troll sniffs for the poor hobbit.

Aragorn tries to fight his way over to Frodo. Frodo dodges around the pillar. The troll peers around it.
Not being able to see him, it peers around the other side, causing Frodo to dodge out of its vision. It disappears. Frodo carefully looks around the pillar — the troll has gone. He draws a deep breath.


Arya watches in horror as The troll blasts around the pillar, bellowing in Frodo's face. The Hobbit stumbles and falls in a corner. The troll grabs him. The troll lifts and drags Frodo off of the edge of a recess.

-Aragorn? Aragorn!- his panicked screams called for the ranger.

Aragorn breathes heavily, exhausted. Still, he continues on. Arya appears at his side.

Frodo slashes the troll's hand with Sting. The troll drops Frodo to the ground, twisting his injured hand and staring at it. Frodo lies on the floor. It raises its mace and begins to swing, but Aragorn leaps down into the recess.

He grabs a spear from the floor and stabs the troll with it. It does not penetrate its flesh, but holds the beast at bay.

Pippin and Merry throw stones at the troll's head. The troll swings his arm down and hits Aragorn, sending him flying across the room. He collapses onto the floor. Frodo races after him and tries to rouse him, but Aragorn is too stunned to move.

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