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'finally at home' you think to yourself as you open the door to your apartment, a sense of relief washing over you. You step in and proceed to make a beeline for the kitchen, but your attention is quickly drawn to the living room where you behold your husband, seated in a cross-legged position on the floor, cradling your son in his embrace. The two of them were fully engrossed in a cartoon program being broadcasted on the television.

You move towards them at a leisurely pace until you are positioned directly behind your spouse. In a gentle tone, you murmur into his ear, "You know, sometimes I ask myself how did I get so lucky to come home and enjoy this view of you two?"

As he turns around, his eyes lock onto yours, and a grin instantaneously illuminates his face. The radiance of his smile is so genuine and effulgent that it leaves no room for doubt regarding his affection for you.

"I missed you y/n" he utters, as his eyes begin to twinkle with enthusiasm. It is a phenomenon that occurs every time he gazes upon you, as if you were a one-of-a-kind masterpiece or the most luminous star in his cosmos.

"I missed you too Tae" you kneel next to him, giving him a small peck on his lips.

"Me too!" your son suddenly wraps his tiny arms excitingly around your neck, planting kisses upon your cheeks, to which you respond with a smile and a return of affection.

The cozy living room is illuminated by the soft glow of the television screen, casting a warm and inviting ambiance throughout the space. The room is filled with the gentle hum of the television and the occasional giggle or gasp from your son, creating a peaceful and intimate atmosphere that feels like a sanctuary from the outside world.

Being wrapped up in each other's company, enjoying the simple pleasure of spending time together in the comfort of your own home is everything you ever dreamed of.

"I'm starving so much, I need to eat something," you groan and head back to the kitchen.

"How was your day?" taehyung asks you as he follows you to the kitchen.

"It was nice. I went shopping with Yuna, however, it proved to be quite exhausting to go shopping with her as she insisted on perusing every store and dedicating extensive periods of time to selecting items." You punctuate your statement with a roll of your eyes.

Despite the initial excitement of browsing through the various stores with your best friend and finally spending some time for yourself, you soon found yourself growing increasingly impatient as Yuna meticulously examined each item of clothing. Your feet ached from the prolonged standing, and your stomach grumbled with hunger as the hours ticked by. While you appreciated your friend's discerning eye for fashion, you couldn't help but feel relieved when the shopping trip finally came to an end.

"Sounds like a stressful day. Go into the living room and make me cook something for you." He puts his hand on your back, slowly caressing it.

"No it's okay I can do it myself," you insist on cooking but you know your husband very well.

Taehyung has always exhibited an excessive degree of concern towards you. He fell in love with you upon initial sight and then everything went so fast. Within a mere four months of dating, you became pregnant. Upon learning of his impending fatherhood, Taehyung was overcome with emotion and cried without a break, evincing the utmost joy he had ever experienced. He always knew that you were the one with whom he intended to spend the remainder of his life, to marry, and the one who he will have 5 kids with. He just didn't expected it to happen so soon.

The revelation of your pregnancy only served to further affirm the gravity of importance of your relationship to him.

Despite your initial reluctance to have children, you harbor no remorse.
Taehyung regards you with a reverence that suggests you are the center of his universe. That such a man could exist was once beyond your wildest imagination. Each day feels like a fairytale, with the prince endeavoring to ensure his princess's happiness.

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