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5 Months later

"It's just one cup of coffee, relax." You complain and roll your eyes as you put down your mug on the kitchen table.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself? Coffee isn't good for you while you're pregnant!" Jungkook calls out as he rounds the corner into the kitchen. Sometimes it really feels like he has his eyes everywhere, even when he's not around. Ever since you two moved together, he has become so protective over you and the baby. All he does is read stuff on the internet about what is good for a pregnant woman and what can be harmful.

"Jungkook can you please stop stressing over a cup of coffee? It's really not that serious," you leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms.

"Not that serious?" Jungkook asks being offended. "First it's going to be only one cup and then the next day it's going to be only one cup again, and it will go on and on like this. It will seriously harm you and our baby without you even realizing it." He said while taking away your mug and poured the coffee into the sink.

"Why do you always have to be so cute when you're frowning?" You rested your head on your palm while admiring him.

"You flirt in the most awkward situations." Jungkook chuckled and walked towards the living room. You rose from your seat and followed him. You placed your chin against his shoulder as you sat down next to him.

"I hope he has your eyes." You mumbled with a smile while rubbing your bump.

"Mine? Why?" Jungkook asked.
"Because I love your eyes," you lifted your head to look at him while Jungkook pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. "These big cute eyes, who couldn't possibly fall for them? Imagine our son running towards us and looks up to us with these big cute eyes while he wants something, I could never say no to him." You giggled.

Jungkook chuckled and ruffled through your hair but then stops like he remembers something. "Do you think I'll be a good dad?" He asks, sounding hesitant.

"Jungkook," you reply smoothly. "How could you ever doubt if you're going to be a good dad? You're going to be the best dad ever."

"How are you so sure about that?" Jungkook asks.

"Because I saw how you're treating my son. Even though he's not your child, you're still being so good and responsible with him. Of course you will be a good dad to our child too," you reassured and kissed him on his cheek.

When you first moved in with Jungkook, your son had a hard time accepting him but Jungkook was always so good with him that he later accepted and loved Jungkook. He is seeing Taehyung on the weekends and sometimes also during the week. Taehyung still has a hard time accepting that you're with Jungkook now. There has been times where he offered you to give him another chance again but you always denied it.

When the other members found out about you and Jungkook, they were shocked and all of them were disappointed with Jungkook. Especially Namjoon was so angry, that he broke up the contact with Jungkook. The world still doesn't know the real reason why BTS became so inactive.
You both knew that the consequences would be really big and even though Jungkook says he's okay with it, you still can't help but feel bad for him.

"I want to be a responsible dad but at the same time I want to be like his best friend. I want him to know that he can always come and talk with me about everything without the fear of me getting angry with him," Jungkook told you.

"Better get your dad jokes ready," you said and chuckled. "You could maybe take some lessons from Jin."

Jungkook laughed and hugged you closer. He leaned over until his lips brushed your ears. "Actually," he whispered. "I want to make a lot of babies with you."

Ugly Secret Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora