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Jungkook was laying next to you in his bed. His strong arms wrapped around your naked body.

"I wish we could always be like this. Making love and then hug each other until we fall asleep together," Jungkook whispers inside your ear. You can feel his breath on your neck. He's exhausted from what you both did earlier.

"Kook you know we can't. Taeh-"

"Stop." He suddenly says and looks you deep into your eyes.

You see how dark his eyes became suddenly and his expression became serious.

"I don't want you to say his name while you're in my bed. You only belong to me here," he says and tightens his grip around your waist.

His gaze on you is becoming more intimidating so you look away from him.

He grips your chin lightly and pulls you to meet his eyes again.

"Babe I'm sorry if that sounded harsh but I really can't stand seeing you with him. I want you to forget him at least when you're with me," he says and pulls you into a deep kiss.

"Kook.." You're trying to free yourself from the kiss because as much as you want to be with him, you know you have to return back home before Taehyung and his family comes back.

"I need to go now," after you say these words you see how sad he looks.

"As much as I want you to stay with me, I know it's better if you go. I don't want you to get into trouble," he says and stands up to dress himself. "I need to go back to the dorm, I will drive you home too."

"No that's okay. I can go by myself," you stand up and start dressing yourself too.

"Y/n I'm just going to drop you off. I'm not even going to leave the car. Nobody will see us."

You think about it for a moment but then you agree to it. It's pretty cold outside and you need to get back home as fast as you can.

"Fine, let's go." You said and went to the mirror to check yourself one last time before you leave his apartment.

Your eyes suddenly fall on your neck and you notice a hickey.

"JUNGKOOK!" You yell.

"What happened?" He turns around and approaches you.

"Look what you did!" You yell and point at your neck. "How am I going to explain this to Taehyung?"

"Babe it looks good," he says and starts giving you a dirty smirk.

"Jungkook have you lost your mind? I asked you, how am I going to explain this to Tae? His whole family is also there!" You ask him again.

"Babe relax. Here you can have my scarf. Just wear it and stay away from Tae. He will not notice it," he said and put his scarf on your neck. "See? You can't see it anymore."

You look at yourself in the mirror again. The hickey isn't visible anymore.

"No more hickeys when we make out, Jungkook. Do you understand me?" You say and look him in the eyes.

"I will try to control myself," he says and smirks again.


As soon as you open the door and step inside your apartment, Taehyung comes into the hall. You can tell from his expression that he looks worried.

"Where were you, y/n?" He asks you and pulls you into a hug.

"I went to take a short walk," you answer.

"I was worried when I came back home and couldn't find you. Your phone was switched off too."

"Oh right, I forgot to charge my phone before I went out. I'm sorry for making you worried."

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