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As you stand in the bathroom, the silence is deafening. The only sound is the steady drip of the faucet, a metronome marking the passage of time. You stare at your reflection in the mirror, but the person staring back at you is a stranger. The lines on your face seem deeper, the bags under your eyes more pronounced. You don't recognize yourself anymore.

The water from the shower beats down on your skin, hot and relentless. You scrub at your body, trying to wash away the memory of Jungkook's touch. His lips on yours, his hands on your skin. You want to forget it all, to erase it from your mind and your body.

But the water can't wash away the guilt that weighs heavy on your heart. You cheated on your husband, the man who loves you more than anything in the world. The man who would do anything to make you happy. You betrayed him, and the thought of it makes you sick.

You sink to the floor of the shower, the water still pounding down on you. You wrap your arms around your knees and bury your face in your hands. Tears mix with the water, streaming down your face.

You don't know how long you stay there, lost in your thoughts and emotions. But eventually, you force yourself to stand up. You turn off the water and step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around your body.

As you stand there, the weight of your actions heavy upon your shoulders, you cannot help but wonder which is the greater sin: The fact that you cheated on Taehyung or the fact that you cheated on him with his best friend.

Your heart and mind are at war, each vying for control over your conscience. The love you once felt for him now tainted by the guilt that consumes you.

The world around you seems to blur as you struggle to make sense of the chaos within. Your body feels heavy, as if the weight of your guilt is dragging you down into the depths of despair. The air around you is thick with the scent of betrayal, a stench that seems to cling to your skin like a second layer. You are lost in a sea of conflicting emotions, unsure of which way to turn. The only thing that is certain is that you have made a grave mistake, one that will haunt you for the rest of your days.

You've crossed a line that can't be uncrossed.

As you emerge from the bathroom, you are met with the sight of Jungkook sitting on the bed. His arms wrap around you, pulling you close as he presses a tender kiss to your forehead. The warmth of his embrace is both comforting and suffocating, a reminder of the tangled web of emotions that now binds you together.

"I would totally understand if you regret it or hate me right now for messing with your feelings but I want to tell you that I have absolutely no regrets. I love you and I would risk it all to be with you." He looks you in the eyes so deeply, with so many emotions that you know he's being sincere right now.

"I don't want to talk about it. For now I just know that I don't like where this is going. I like you Jungkook but I don't want to hurt Taehyung. His love is so pure and so is his heart. He doesn't deserve this in any way."

"I can understand how you feel right now. When I first started noticing my feelings towards you I felt the same. I was confused, sad, hurting and I felt like I was committing a crime, when in reality all I really did was just love someone."

You are at the edge of having a panic attack. You want to push this man away from you as far as possible, but at the same time you don't want him to let you go. "I need some time to gather my thoughts about this."

Jungkook nods. "I'm ready to give you that time but please know that I love you so much and I'm ready for this. I thought about it a lot. I'm sure and I'm ready for this. For us." he kisses you one last time on your forehead before he says, "I think I need to go now. Taehyung could come back any minute." He lets you go with a heavy heart, and opens the door to leave.

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