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Yuna sits right in front of you on her chair at your kitchen table. You both stare at each other with your chins on your hands.

"You said you wanted to talk about something important, what is it?" You ask her.

She started playing with her sleeves and avoids the eye contact with you. "I really don't know how to tell you but please don't be mad at me, promise me."

"Why should I be mad at you Yuna? What happened?" You ask her being confused.

"I- I'm dating someone." She said and finally looked up to you.

"Omg really? Yuna that's great! Who is it?" You said in a high tone and reached for her hand.

"It's actually someone you already know.." she said hesitantly.

"Someone I know? Who?" You were confused and had no idea about who it could be.

"It's Jimin" she finally said looking at you closely and waiting for your response.

"Jimin? Park Jimin? Omg Yuna that's great, I'm so happy for you. But why would you think I would be mad at you?" You ask her.

"I thought maybe you would be mad that I was hiding it from you all this time" she replied.

"Yuna, I'm so happy for you both. Really, I'm not mad at all. For how long have you been seeing each other?" You ask her while taking a sip from your coffee.

"A few months but we only started dating about one month ago" she answered shyly.

"I'm really happy for you both, Jimin is a good guy. I hope you will be happy with him," you said and gave her a reassuring smile.

"There is just one problem.. and it's Namjoon" she scoffs.

"Don't worry about him. Of course he will get mad but he has to accept it that he can't control who you fall in love with," you said while you were thinking of your own situation.

It is true that you can't control who you fall in love with. You just fell for Jungkook without even noticing it, until it was too late.

"I really hope that Jimin's career is not going to suffer because of our relationship," Yuna said while starring out of the window behind you.

"You just worry too much about everything. Taehyung's career also didn't suffer because of our relationship. I mean, sure we had some troubles at the beginning but now everything is fine," you reassured her.

Yuna sighed. "I think you're right. I just like to overthink everything," she says. But then stops like she just remembered something.

"Hey by the way y/n, can I ask you something?" she leans back and cocks her head to the side.

"of course, what is it?"

"Where were you yesterday?" she finally asks, sounding hesitant.

"Me? Oh, why do you ask?" You started getting nervous. You spend the day with Jungkook yesterday and you don't know why Yuna would ask you such a question all of a sudden.

"Just out of curiosity. I tried to call you but you didn't answer, that's why I was worried," she said while glaring at you closely.

You take a deep breath before answering. "Oh I was just with a friend," your voice turns firm.

She stares straight into your eyes with an expression you can't really read. For a moment, it turns silent in the room and your stomach feels thigh.

Yuna adjusts her position in her seat before she clears her throat. "I think I need to go now, I wanted to meet with Jimin."

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