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The next day, you slowly open your eyes. You were laying in your bed, facing Taehyung who was still sleeping next to you.

You try to move his hand away from your waist without waking him up, as you try to stand up.

He begins to growl and pushes you back to his chest. He smiles, his eyes still closed, as he feels your naked body in his arms.

"Good Morning my beautiful angel," he mumbles and kisses your forehead.

"Good Morning," you reply back.

He slowly opens his eyes and looks into your eyes. "I will never get tired of this. Waking up to the love of my life. I'm the luckiest man ever to have you."

You don't say anything and just smile back at him.

Suddenly his eyes widen as he spots the hickey on your neck. "Babe. Did I do that?" he asks in disbelief.

For a moment you didn't know what he was talking about. You saw that he was starring at something on your neck. You remembered the hickey that Jungkook gave you.

Your hands move to your neck and you touch the hickey. "Of course it was you Tae. Who else?" You say and laugh.

Taehyung couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was always trying to control himself to not give you any hickeys because he knows that it would be hard for you to cover it. Since you both had a son, he tried to be careful. Why would he lose control now? Especially when his family was here?

"That's so weird, I don't remember being so harsh," he says and still looks at the place of your neck where the hickey was.

You started feeling uncomfortable so you stood up, hiding the hickey with your hair. "Don't be silly Tae, where else would I get a hickey from? You know what happened last night between us."

You started dressing yourself as Taehyung was still in his bed. "You should get ready too babe, you know your family is leaving today."

He agreed with you and stood up to get ready. You went to the bathroom and tried covering up the hickey with make up.

It was still looking very bad and it was hard to cover it up. You were cursing at Jungkook under your breath the whole time. You were just thankful that you found a good excuse to use with Tae, even though you still felt guilty about it.

After you covered up the hickey as much as you could, you went to the living room and saw Taehyung's parents already preparing their luggage to leave.

"I'm really sad that you're leaving so early. I wish you could stay longer," you said as you sat down at the couch and looked at them.

His dad was smiling at you while his mom was just giving you a weird look. You didn't know why she looked at you that way but you decided to just ignore it.

"Grandma, you're leaving already?" Your son said and ran to his grandma.

"Yes my dear. Are you going to miss me?" Tae's mom said and hugged him.

"Yes, a lot!" He said and hugged him back.

After a while, Taehyung came too and helped his father carrying their luggage to the car.

They were all hugging each other, saying goodbye and you were doing the same.

When you wanted to hug his mom, she stood in front of you and whispered "take good care of my Tae, y/n"

Then she got into the car and they drive back home.


You spend the rest of the day with Taehyung and your son.

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