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"What is going on between you and y/n?" Namjoon asks Jungkook as he was deeply looking into eyes. His expression shows how serious he is.

Jungkook's eyes widen. He wasn't expecting Namjoon to ask such a question. He was being so sure that Namjoon doesn't suspect anything and that he didn't heard them.

But now he wasn't so sure anymore. What if he really heard them on that day?

"W-what?" Jungkook stutters as he was still trying to understand the situation.

"I asked you, what is going on between you and y/n?" Namjoon puts his hands on his hips and slowly walks to Jungkook.

Jungkook's grip on his banana milk tightens. "What do you mean?" His voice shakes as he speaks.

"I noticed that you both are getting closer these days, am I right?" Namjoon now stands in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook gulps and looks at Namjoon. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Isn't it weird how I'm always finding you both talking something in private? Or the looks that you both give each other when we're all together? You think I didn't notice?" Namjoon smiles and raises one eyebrow.

Jungkook starts shaking. Namjoon really suspected them the whole time and noticed everything.

"Yes we're getting closer, is there a problem? She seems to be a nice girl. You can talk with her about various topics." Jungkook looks down at his banana milk as he tried to escape looking Namjoon in his eyes. He tries to act cool. As if he has nothing to hide.

"So you're saying you see her as your friend?" Namjoon's right eyebrow arches sternly, and he crosses his arms over his chest, not buying it.

"What else Namjoon? Of course as a friend," Jungkook gives him a disgusted look. He tries to be as convincing as possible.

"It doesn't bother you at all that she's Taehyung's wife?" Namjoon smirks.

As soon as he heard what Namjoon said, jealousy grew inside of him. His grip on his banana milk was getting so tight that he nearly spill it on the floor.

He hates when someone points out that you're Taehyung's wife. Anger and jealousy grows inside of him when he sees you with him. He knows you're married to him but he tries to ignore the fact as much as he can and acts like you're only his.

His eyes darken and the jealousy inside of him is unbearable. But he knows he has to act like he doesn't care. For you. For him. For everyone's safety.

"Why should that bother me? They are both my friends. I'm happy for them."

Namjoon laughs. "You refer to Taehyung as your friend? Do you think I haven't noticed how you suddenly stopped talking to him when you both were so close?"

"What do you expect Namjoon? He is the one who chosed to give up BTS for a woman. He didn't care about any of us. Do you think it was easy for me to see how my best friend turned his back on us?" Jungkook's anger keeps growing. He knows exactly that he's just making excuses to make Taehyung look bad. He knows exactly that the real reason he started hating Taehyung was because he was married to you. But right now he couldn't stop himself. He was being controlled by pure jealousy and anger.

"He didn't turned his back on us. Y/n was pregnant, he had to chose her. Would you really leave a woman who is carrying your child? Jungkook don't talk nonsense." Namjoon was annoyed of the way Jungkook was talking about Taehyung.

"Whatever, talking with you about this I won't take me anywhere because your too stubborn on your opinion," Jungkook said and made his way to leave the kitchen.

Ugly Secret Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon