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"y/n I know you didn't meet with yuna so where were you and why did you lie to me?" Taehyung asks you once again, his whole face twisting in pain. His words were laced with a hint of accusation, but you could sense the underlying concern in his tone.

Taehyung's voice was laced with a tinge of hurt as he gazed at you with a pained expression etched on his face. His eyes, once filled with warmth and affection, now held a glint of worry and sadness.

You felt a lump form in your throat as you struggled to find the right words to explain your absence. Taehyung had always been your confidant, your rock, and the thought of betraying his trust made you feel sick to your stomach.

You knew that you had to come clean, to tell him the truth, but you just couldn't do it.

"I think there is a misunderstanding Taehyung. I have another friend who's name is yuna too. We aren't that close that's why I forgot to tell you about her but she called me today and wanted to hang out." You hope he's going to believe you. You hate lying to him. You hate betraying him and you hate seeing him sad.

You could see the relief wash over his face. He grabs both of your hands and he squeezes them. "y/n," he says, "I'm sorry. I think I overreacted a bit." He leans forward and presses his lips to your forehead. "I knew you wouldn't lie to me but I felt confused when I got that call from yuna. I'm really sorry."

As you stand before him, you feel the weight of your deceit bearing down upon you. The truth is a heavy burden that you cannot bear to reveal, for it would shatter his heart into a million pieces. His love for you is pure and unyielding, and the mere thought of causing him pain is enough to make your heart ache with guilt.

You watch as his eyes fill with tears, and you feel a pang of regret deep within your soul. His sadness is a reflection of your own, a mirror that shows you the true cost of your actions. You know that you should be the one apologizing, but the words stick in your throat like a lump of coal.

He loves you with a passion that burns like a thousand suns, and the thought of losing you is more than he can bear. You cannot bear to see him suffer, and so you keep your secrets hidden deep within your heart, like a treasure that only you can possess.

But the truth has a way of revealing itself, like a flower that blooms in the darkness. And when it does, you know that the consequences will be dire. For the love that you share is fragile and delicate, like a butterfly's wings, and the slightest misstep could cause it to crumble into dust.

So you stand before him, silent and still, your heart heavy with the weight of your deceit. And you pray that he will never discover the truth, for the thought of losing him is more than you can bear.

He brings his hands up and slides them through your hair, brushing his thumbs across your cheeks. "I love you so much." He brings his lips to yours and starts kissing you. His tongue is already in your mouth, gently caressing yours. His hands move to your waist and his fingers are digging into your hip.

"y/n," he mutters against your mouth. "Let's go to our bedroom."

You don't know if you're already ready for this but you still feel bad when you remember his disappointed face after you pushed him away last night. You know that you can't keep pushing him away and rejecting him, for fear that he will begin to suspect that something is wrong.

So you nod and he takes your hand.
Once you're in your bedroom, he starts kissing you again. His hands slide up the back of your thighs and come around to the front of your jeans. He flicks the button open effortlessly.

You close your eyes and try to concentrate only on Taehyung and forget about Jungkook. But it's so hard for you right now to do this.
You lift your arms for him when he attempts to pull off your shirt. He throws it to the floor and his lips immediately reconnect with yours again as his hands work the clasp of your bra.

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