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He always tried his hardest to make the members happy. He held their happiness over the happiness of himself. He always tried to come up with a good solution when one of them were in trouble.

But can he really find a good solution for everything?

As he sits there in the kitchen, staring blankly against the wall in front of him, the thought that keeps going through his mind is that he never, ever would have thought he would witness anything like that.

He feels so lost and and for the first time, he doesn't know what to do.

He glanced up as he heard Namjoon entering the kitchen. "What are you doing here all alone?" Namjoon asks him.

"Thinking," Jimin rubs his hand across his forehead.

Namjoon walks over and sits at the small table, unsure how to begin the conversation. "So are you going to tell me what happened? You think I didn't notice how absent you have been the whole day? What's on your mind Jimin?" He asks bluntly.

Jimin glanced up to him, unsure how to start this conversation. Unsure if he should even say anything or just keep quiet.

He took a deep breath before answering. "Have you ever knew someone for so long that you think you would know him so well but then something happens, something that you would have never expected from that person and you start wondering if you ever truly knew that person? And it all just seems like one big lie?"

Namjoon's face stayed neutral as he thought about Jungkook. He sighed. "Of course. But why?"

"I don't know how to say this but I can't stay silent knowing something like this. That's why I think talking with you, as the leader, would be the best option," Jimin said looking at him.

"Jimin, just tell me what's going on?" Namjoon asked.

Jimin looks down at his hands. "Y/n is cheating on Taehyung. With Jungkook."

Namjoon's eyes went wide. His heart stops, and a pressure lands on his chest that is so overwhelming, it nearly chokes him.

His biggest fear of someone finding out about this secret affair became true and for a moment he felt so dizzy that he didn't knew if he was dreaming or if this really just happened.

He stands up, looking at him, then around the room, being grateful that no one was there.

He immediately grabs Jimin's arm and drags him to his studio. He pushes him inside the room and closes the door behind him.

He slowly takes small steps towards Jimin, still being so shocked that he barely managed to bring out any words.

"How did you find out about this?" Namjoon finally asked.

Jimin's eyes go wide. "You knew about this?!"

Namjoon ran his hands through his hair out of frustration and sighed heavily. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. "Jimin, how did you find out about this?"

Jimin doesn't look at him, staring at the ground. "I followed y/n because I knew she was hiding something from Taehyung. But never would I have imagined that it would be something like this," Jimin closed his eyes in disbelief.

Namjoon was trying hard to come up with an explanation. But he knew that this time he couldn't protect this secret anymore. He just sighs in defeat.
"You're going to stay quiet about this."

Jimin looks at Namjoon and can't believe what he just heard. "What?"

"You're going to stay quiet about this." Namjoon looks at him with a warning look. "Look Jimin, this is way more complicated than you think it is. No one should ever find out about this especially not Taehyung."

Jimin's eyes went wide and his whole body started shaking out of anger. "How could you request something like this from me? How can you request me to stay quiet when my best friend is getting cheated on from the two people he trusts the most? How can you stay quiet about this? How can you even look at Taehyung while you're betraying him like that?"

Namjoon shook his head. "I'm not betraying him. I'm doing this for him. I'm doing this for his own happiness. To protect him."

A loud burst of disbelieving laughter escapes Jimin's mouth. "You're doing this for him? That's how you comfort yourself? Really?"

"Jimin you don't know.." Namjoon wanted to say something but got cut off from Jimin.

"You're betraying him!" he yelled. "You're betraying him just like them by not telling him the truth!"

Namjoon grabbed Jimin's collar and pushed him against the wall. "I'm saying this one last time. I'm staying quiet for Taehyung and for us and you're going to do the same because you know why? If anyone finds out about this then we're all going to pay for this. Not only y/n and Jungkook."

"What are you talking about?" Jimin said angrily.

"Taehyung will go crazy once he finds out about this, I don't even want to imagine what he will do to Jungkook. BTS won't be able to cover a big scandal like this and we will lose everything. Are you really ready to pay these consequences for a mistake you didn't even do?" Namjoon asked him while looking him in his eyes.

"Taehyung will find it out sooner or later anyway." Jimin said while gritting his teeth. "He will get even more angry when he finds out we knew about this but chosed to stay quiet."

"He won't find out. No one knows about this besides you and me. I will find a way to separate Jungkook and y/n. If you stay quiet, everything will work out well," Namjoon said.

"We're not the only one who knows about this Namjoon. Yuna was with me, she saw it too" Jimin said.

"Yuna?" Namjoon looked in confusion.

"Yes y/n's friend Yuna. We're dating since a while," Jimin said.

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Normally I would have gone mad about this but nothing really surprises me anymore."

"Namjoon sorry but I can't do this" Jimin said pushed Namjoon off of him.

"Can't do what?" Namjoon asked.

"Staying quiet. Taehyung is like my brother and I can't keep this away from him. He has a right to know about the real faces of those around him. I can't just know a secret like this and keep it away from Taehyung. I'm sorry Namjoon but you have no difference with Jungkook. By keeping this as a secret you're betraying him too," Jimin turned around and left the room.

Namjoon let himself fall on his chair and rested his head on his hands. Never in his whole life has he ever felt so hopeless. Never would he have thought he would have to face a situation like this.

He knew that the end of BTS has arrived and he couldn't do anything to stop the chaos that was about to come.

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