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As the world around you begins to blur, the voices of those around you fading into a distant hum, you feel a wave of pain wash over you, gripping your stomach with an iron fist. Your fingers clench tightly around the edge of the table, the wood rough against your skin, as you struggle to remain upright.

Tears stream down your face, hot and heavy, as you fight to keep your focus on the one thing that truly matters - the safety of your unborn child. Despite the agony that wracks your body, your thoughts are consumed with the tiny life growing within you, a precious gift that you would do anything to protect.

The pain intensifies, a searing heat that threatens to consume you whole, and you can feel your body trembling with the effort of holding on. But still, you refuse to let go, your grip on the table unyielding, your other hand pressed tightly against your stomach.

In this moment, nothing else matters. Not the voices around you, not the world outside. All that exists is the fierce love that burns within you, a love that will stop at nothing to ensure the safety of your child. And so you hold on, with every ounce of strength you possess, praying that nothing will happen to the precious life that you carry within you.

"I'm pregnant" The words tumbled from your lips, a confession that you had never wanted to make. His expression was one of confusion, his eyes darting back and forth as he struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

You really didn't wanted to tell him but right now he's your only hope. You were unsure whether you could trust him. But desperation had driven you to this point, and you had no other choice. You had to take the risk, no matter how great the danger.

You had to try. You had to hope that he would help you, that he would see the importance of the life growing within you.

Taehyung is looking at you in a way, you never saw him before. As you looked into Taehyung's eyes, you could see a world of emotions swirling within them. The excitement that had once shone so brightly whenever he looked at you, as if you were the most unique piece of artwork in the world, was now replaced with tears of disappointment. His hand, still placed on your back, trembled with the weight of unspoken words.

You knew that in this moment, his whole world was crashing down around him, the hopes and dreams that he had held so dear now shattered beyond repair. And with each passing second, you could feel the distance between you growing, a chasm that could never be bridged.

And as you stood there, locked in a moment of heart-wrenching sadness, you knew that the last hope that he had held onto, the hope that it could work out between you both, was now gone. The future that you had once envisioned together was now nothing more than a distant memory, a dream that could never be realized.

"Taehyung," you sigh out. "I know this is really hard for you right now but you need to help me now. Something happened with the baby when I stumbled against the table, you need to bring me to the hospital."

Taehyung's sudden turn away from you leaves you feeling exposed and vulnerable, as if the ground beneath your feet has given way. You watch as he grabs the table, leaning forward on it with his eyes tightly shut. The silence between you is heavy, suffocating, as you wait for him to speak.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he sighs heavily, his voice low and strained. "Is it Jungkook's child?" he asks, his words laced with anger and pain.

You rub your hand over your stomach, hoping to ease the pain even just a little. "Yes," you reply softly, your voice barely above a whisper.

And then, without warning, he explodes. He shakes his head in disbelief, his hands trembling with rage as he reaches for the glass on the table. In one swift motion, he hurls it against the wall, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the room.

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