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As the door creaks open, your eyes are met with the sight of Taehyung and Jungkook standing before you. A wave of emotions washes over you, causing your heart to race and your palms to sweat. Despite the apprehension that grips you, you manage to muster a bright smile and greet them with a warm welcome.

Your gaze lingers on Taehyung, taking in the way his dark hair falls in soft waves around his face, framing his sharp features. Beside him stands Jungkook, his youthful features contrasting with Taehyung's more mature appearance. His doe-like eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Oh hey, welcome." You say with a bright smile on your face, although you're a little nervous to see your husband with Jungkook.

Despite the uncertainty that plagues you, you push it aside and focus on the present moment.

As they crossed the threshold into the apartment, Taehyung's eyes lit up with a fierce intensity, his heart racing with anticipation. He could feel the warmth of his son's embrace before he even saw him, the sweet scent of his child's hair filling his senses with a heady rush of emotion.

Without hesitation, Taehyung rushed towards his son, his arms outstretched in a gesture of pure love and devotion. As he drew closer, he could see the joy in his child's eyes, the way his tiny hands reached out to grasp at his father's shirt, pulling him closer still.

As he held his son close, Taehyung felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that nothing in this world could ever compare to the love he felt for his son, the way his child's laughter filled him with a sense of wonder and awe.

You suddenly feel a pair of hands on your waist.

"I missed you princess." Jungkook mumbles inside your ear while he holds you against his chest.

As Jungkook's warm breath tickled your ear, you felt a sudden shiver run down your spine, causing your legs to weaken beneath you. The sound of his voice, coupled with the sensation of his strong hands wrapped around your waist, left you feeling dizzy and disoriented. It was as if you had been transported to another world, one where only the two of you existed.

You had missed him so much, and now that he was here, holding you close, you felt as though you could finally breathe again.

Nevertheless, you free yourself from his grip and turn around to face him. "Jungkook stop. You can't do this right now while Taehyung is here. Why did you even come here?"

"You wanted to see me? Oh and Taehyung invited me, I couldn't say no to him."

Before you could respond, Taehyung's voice called out from the other room. "Jungkook! Come on in!" he beckoned, his voice filled with excitement. Jungkook hesitated for a moment before following Taehyung's invitation, his steps light and hesitant.

As they both sat down on the couch, you decided to take a step back and give them some space. "I will make some coffee for you both," you announced, trying to hide the curiosity that was bubbling inside you.

As you retreat to the kitchen, your mind races with curiosity. What could they be discussing? You strain your ears, but the sound of the coffee machine drowns out their conversation.

As you busied yourself with the coffee machine, the sound of the brewing coffee drowned out their conversation. Frustrated, you strained your ears, hoping to catch snippets of their discussion. But all you could hear was the whirring of the machine and the distant murmur of their voices.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, mingling with the scent of the flowers on the windowsill. You pour the steaming liquid into delicate porcelain cups, the warmth seeping into your fingers.

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