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After Jungkook brought you back home, you step into your apartment, closing the door behind you.

It has been an exhausting day for you. Since you're pregnant you get tired very easily so you sit down on the couch to rest a little.

You take your phone and notice some messages Jungkook had sent you, asking you if you're okay.

He has been asking you if you're okay the whole ride back home. He's really protective over you and the baby and you actually like this side of him.

While you were answering him back, ensuring him that you're okay, you see Taehyung coming to the living room.

"Oh you're back?" He asked you and sat down next to you. "Where have you been?"

"I was just taking some fresh air at the park, like I said" you replied and moved a little bit away from him.

Taehyung noticed how you were moving away from him and hold your wrist. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing" you replied a little surprised. The way he was holding you on your wrist and the serious look on his face is something that you've never saw on him before.

"Why are you moving away from me?" He asked you.

You didn't know what to answer so you just stayed quiet.

He pushed you back to him and put his arms around you, giving you kisses on your head. "You want to play a game?" he suddenly asks.

He's acting so different today and that's actually scaring you. You look at him, staying quiet.

"I know this wonderful game" he said with a smile. "Where I love you and I know you do not love me in return. First it's your turn to roll the dice, and you play three cards of my mind, soul, and heart. My turn comes around and I gamble every piece of me to get you." He's looking straight ahead while he's talking. Then he sighs. "But this game is endless and complex and I sadly don't know how to win this game."

You realize that something seems off with him so you try to escape him. "I'm tired, can I just go to sleep now?" You asked and tried to free yourself but Taehyung was still holding you close.

"No" he just replied.

You looked up to him and tried to figure out what is going on. You really didn't expect this answer from him. He is always the one who says yes to everything you say. This is the first time ever that you witnessed how he denied something.

"No?" You repeated stunned.

"I said no" he replied and hugged you tightly. "There is something I want to talk with you" he said.

"What is it?"

"I want another child" he stated and looked blankly at you.

Has he lost his mind? How can he still want a child with you after everything you did to him? After being so cold with him?

"Are you serious?" You ask him being in shock.

"Of course I am, I believe that it can save our marriage" he said.

"Taehyung, a child can not save a marriage." You said and straightened your position.

"It can. You know how much I want it, why don't you keep saying no to it?" He asked you while still holding you in his arms.

"Why do you still want a child from me?" You suddenly asked.


"Why do you still want a child from me?" You repeated. "After everything I did to you?"

Taehyung looked away and you saw his eyes getting teary. "I know I should hate you. I know I should just let you go but I can't. Don't you understand how much I love you? I can't hate you."

Now you realize how hard it will be to tell him the truth. He still has hope that there is a chance for you both.

"Taehyung I don't think that there is a future for us" you glare at him.

"Don't you dare to end this. Don't you dare to say goodbye" he raises his voice.

You froze at your place. You don't know what happened to Taehyung but you know that somehow he changed.

He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "I tried to be always good for you, where did I fail?"

He comes closer to you until there is just a few inches space between you both. "I'm done being the good guy" he whispers. "You know why?"

You just look at him blankly without answering. He had a look of passion in his eyes.

"I realized that good guys are just getting cheated on" he continued.

He came closer and closer until his lips reached yours. Then they move down to your chin.

The niggling thought at the back of your brain, the one that knows you should run far away from him is quieted as his lips make their way from your chin, down your neck.

You sit frozen at your place because you just cannot understand that this is really happening right now.

You tried to calm down and gather all your courage to push him back. And finally you do it.

Then you stand up and move to the other side of the room, ready to just go to your room. Taehyung immediately got up too and followed you.

In a matter of one second, as his arm came out of nowhere to reach your arm, he accidentally slammed against you, knocking you backward to the table behind you.

A sharp pain shoots through your stomach and you wrap your arm around it.

"Y/n?" You hear Taehyung calling your name. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you. It was an accident."

You were in so much pain that you didn't even hear Taehyung's words anymore.
You hope that nothing happened to the baby but right now it doesn't feel like it's okay. The pain was getting worse with every second.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung said as he put his hand on your back. He started getting worried after he noticed that you were in pain.

You started feeling dizzy and you know that right now the only person that could help you was Taehyung. You had no other chance than to trust him. Or else you could lose your baby.

"Taehyung you need to help me" you said while still holding onto your stomach.

"What do you mean?" He looks at you confused.

"I'm pregnant." You told him.


I'm probably going to end this story soon 🙄


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