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[A/N: hi! please play the song up^^ for better experience!]

Park Seonghwa

My heart dropped the second I witnessed a car vigorously hit Yeosang to the ground. It was in front of my own eyes and I could not fully process what happened. It occurred so fast. In a blink of an eye, my husband was already unconscious.

The sight made me drop my cups of coffee, I could care less if the heated substance stained my white pair of shoes. All I could focus was Yeosang's lifeless body on the concrete floor, blood all over his head and newly seen bruises plastered his skin. 

Cars and other vehicles stopped their pace, drivers exiting their cars to see the accident. Students and people walking by were huddled, series of gasps and gossiping were heard; talking about the sudden accident. 

I felt it.

The first tear just strolled down from my eye. 


I cried loud, making my way to the middle of the road. I carried him into my arms, shaking him for any response -- but there was none. No sign of breathing, his skin was turning pale, and his body was so frail.

"No! Sangie baby, please wake up for me. I can't lose you this time! Please!" My voice was barely a whisper, and cracked in the end. 

I hugged him tighter; not giving a fuck if his blood stained my clothes. The overflowing tears were so apparent, I feel like I'm going to faint. I may not be in his shoes, but seeing him in this state made me so weak and fragile.

What made me mad was people staring at us without making any move, "Why the fuck are you watching us? Call the goddamn ambulance! For fuck sake!"

When I screamed, or rather scolded them, for help; they immediately stepped back, probably an instinct since I growled at them.

Mingi was still frozen on his spot, trying to comprehend but quick to follow. He took out his phone and dialed 911. I internally thanked him for that. 

"Oh my god! What happened?!"

San and Wooyoung approached us. My best friend was quick to lift Yeosang's head and check his pulse. Wooyoung, on the other hand, was shaking and would occasionally look away since he can't handle seeing Yeosang in this state. 

San had his eyes widen as he looked at me, "We have to hurry! His pulse is rapidly beating. We have to take him to the hospital now! He might die any time sooner!" 

With the pressure that has been set on us, I begged and prayed to heavens that the ambulance will come soon. Yeosang's body were in my arms that were vigorously shaking. I've never felt this anxious before. I'm so scared for him.

I'm so scared that he'd die in my arms.

"Please Sangie, keep up. Stay for me...stay awake for me."

I'm afraid.

I don't want to be perceived at weak.

But when it comes to the people I mostly care about?

I'd break.

"The ambulance are coming!" Mingi yelled for us to get the message. 

San nodded and stepped back along with Wooyoung. Police officers had appeared and placed down some caution tapes around the crime scene. 

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