Chapter 43

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Myungsuk fiddled with his mask as he paced outside the door. 'Department of Astronomy Offices' was printed on the plaque on the wall above birch double doors. He tried not to peek through the glass, but every time he spotted someone moving between the offices inside, he'd jump and hold his breath.

Insoo insisted Myungsuk should come to the University and meet with the astronomy club. Insoo mentioned that everyone was really nice and wanted to meet him. But even if that was the case, Myungsuk couldn't help but fiddle with his mast and twist his sleeves taut.

A few minutes passed before Myungsuk spotted Insoo out the window. He bounced on his toes until he realized Insoo was with two strangers. Myungsuk paused and gnawed his lip as Insoo pulled the doors open and walked into the building, Insoo's eyes lighting up when he spotted him.

"Hi, Myungsuk," Insoo said, hurrying over. "Sorry, class just ended. Were you waiting long?"

"Was I waiting long?" Myungsuk shook his head. He pressed himself against Insoo, burying his nose against his chest. He didn't care if it was inappropriate, he wanted to be close. The university smelt unfamiliar and stale.

Insoo hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arm around his shoulder and leaned down, whispering. "Can I introduce you to my friends? They're a part of the club too."

Myungsuk took a deep breath and nodded. He pulled back around, but was glad Insoo still held him. "Guys, this is Myungsuk. Myungsuk, this is Zara and Boonnam."

Myungsuk politely nodded his head at them, mumbling a hello. Boonnam was a gangly guy with plain features and hair tied back into a small ponytail. He was not nearly as interesting to look at as Zara. Myungsuk blinked at her headwrap and floral hoop earrings.

"It's so nice to meet you, Myungsuk," Zara gushed, almost taking his hands before Insoo stepped back. Myungsuk bit his lip when she furrowed her immaculate eyebrows, but she smiled nevertheless. "Are you excited for today? Insoo's told us a lot about you."

"He has?" Myungsuk asked, looking up at Insoo, who smiled his sheepish grin and shrugged.

"Not that much. Just a little," he confessed.

"I doubt anyone would constitute that as a little," Boonnam said.

Zara giggled, nodding. "Yeah. Insoo gushes about you all the time."

Insoo's face reddened. "I-I," he met Myungsuk's wide-eyed gaze. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. "It's hard not to when you're so cool," he said softly.

Myungsuk wiggled his toes and leaned into Insoo's side. Did Insoo think he was cool?

Insoo tightened his arm around him and cleared his throat. "Let's go. Everyone's probably waiting for us."

"Wait, are we not meeting in there?" Myungsuk asked, pointing to the doors.

"No. The offices are too small for a club meeting," Boonnam said and started to walk in the opposite direction, and they followed suit.

"So, how long have you two been dating," Zara asked.

"5 months and 10 days," Myungsuk answered immediately.

"Wow, that's a while," Zara shot a playful glare at Insoo. "We wouldn't know since you never use social media."

"I don't like everyone knowing my business," Insoo said

Myungsuk nodded. "Agreed."

Zara looked at both of them before shaking her head. "You guys are so cute together," she squeaked before reaching into her purse. "Do you have kakao, at least?"

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