Chapter 37: Bargain

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The door opened with a hiss, pneumatic seals depressurizing, steel bars retracting from the wall, and magnetic clamps disengaging. A moment later, light flooded the room from the outside hallway as the door swung slowly open on silent hinges. Several people walked in, but the details were hard to make out due to them being backlit. Then the lights in the room came on and Fenrir hissed as the sudden brightness stung his eyes. He blinked and squinted as his eyes slowly adjusted, but eventually, he was able to identify the people that had come to visit him in his cell.

He recognized them all immediately, they were all famous individuals for one reason or another. He guessed they'd come to interrogate him. The short animal person was of course the U.A. principal and strategic mastermind during the war, Nezu. He recognized the assistant police chief of Mufustafu, Superintendent Naomasa, his quirk had made him a legend among detectives across the world. Then there was Mirko, kitted out in her combat suit and missing most of her left ear. She looked none too pleased at seeing him, likely angry about the ear, and he couldn't blame her. The fourth figure was a woman he didn't recognize, but his animal instincts warned him of her. Whoever she was, she was probably the most dangerous person in the whole room. She wore no combat suit, just a standard blue polo shirt, and tan pants. Slightly unnerved by the woman, he turned his attention to Nezu. The people Nezu had brought along were likely there to ensure he didn't try anything. A useless gesture really, he couldn't do much but glare due to the quirk canceling restraints he was in. He still had his baseline level of enhanced strength, but transforming was denied him, and he had already tested to see if his baseline was strong enough. Unsurprisingly, it was not.

"I was wondering when we'd meet, I imagine you are here to see what I can tell you about Zeus?" Asked Fenrir with a tired huff. The beds in this blasted place were terrible, he'd not gotten any decent sleep since he got here.

"Quite right, you're the first person we've been able to successfully capture. Most of Zeus's followers are zealous in their devotion to him, or in what he represents to them anyway. They fight to the death, or if that fails, they end their own lives to prevent capture. So, you can see why we are so interested in what you might have to say." Said Nezu, his paws clasped together in his lap.

"I knew his people were crazy, but I didn't think they were that crazy." Mused Fenrir.

"Well for starters, let's start with something easy. Your name is Settimio Baresi, and you went by the moniker Fenrir during your time as a part of the underground gladiatorial deathmatches, specifically the circuit in Italy. After it was shut down by authorities, you went into hiding. You were put on the international wanted list, which means we can try you here in Japanese courts by the way. Since your escape from Italy, you've stayed under the radar for several decades until your dramatic return in Mufustafu, under the command of Zeus. Is that correct?" Asked Nezu.

Fenrir went to shrug, realized he couldn't, so just nodded instead. "Yes, that's correct but I'd like to add that I did so against my will. I was perfectly content to live out the rest of my days in anonymity."

"Duly noted, and as we understand it your granddaughter, her husband, and their young son have been taken by Zeus?" asked Nezu, making a note on a PDA he pulled from a pocket.

"That is correct. I expect you heroes will be working at rescuing at them?" He asked, eyeing Nezu with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Naturally, but tracking them down will take time. In the meantime, I've come here to ask you a very specific question." Said Nezu, finally getting around to his reason for meeting Fenrir.

"Do you know where Zeus is based?" He asked.

There was a moment of silence, where Nezu could clearly see the gears in Fenrir's head moving, clearly trying to work out how best to leverage his information in his favor.

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