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Honorable Chair, Fellow Delegates,
Okay no I'm just messing with you, but that's what I've been hearing for the past weekend.
Like I've heard it 274748291737 time
at least.
MUN: Model United Nations; a place where delegates discuss a precise topic/issue, in order to find a solution, this helps in improving diplomacy, public speaking, and interacting with other delegates.
As for me? MUN is basically like this:
Looking at hot guys, sitting next to hot guys, speaking and flirting to hot guys, taking pictures with hot guys and their numbers.
Just kidding.
But there Is hot guys there, with nice hearts and stuff.
But I made lots of friends.

Anyways, since I had my final conference this weekend, I'm gonna discuss what happens there...
Other than solving issues.

Boys like girls, boys wanna interact with girls, boys send girls cheeky notes, a little bit like this:
"For a third world country, you're pretty developped"
"I wanna moderate your caucus"
"Let's have an unmoderated caucus.. In your pants"
"Are you a topic? Cause I'd love to table you"
"I wanna invade djibouti" (I actually used that on the delegate of djibouti oops?)
And lots of other things like
"If you're as long as the speakers list, meet me in the bathroom"
"It's not about how big your placard is, it's about how long you can keep it up"

And if the chair's a hot person, things a bit like this happen:
"Motion to table the chair"
"I hope that gavel's not the only thing you're banging"

And also, I discovered that facebook pages are made for people to confess their crush on an MUNer. Wtf.

I didn't win any award, sad I know, BUT I made lots of friends so yeah the journey is the reward.

But you know there's always some things that should be found in a conference:

Like that lame person sitting in front waiting for a delegate to say "I" or anything, so he can point of order the life out of the delegate.
Or like I had this person in my committee, that loves to put delegates in traps, let's say he's the Delegate of X, and the delegate that came to speak up was Y

*Delegate of Y finished speaking*
"POINT OF INFORMATION" *said delegate of X*
*chairs laughs* *delegate of Y stands straight*
"Thank you delegate for your speech(it was terrible), But I have a question(I'm going to attack you now with something you don't know), *asks question that even the chair felt like dfk*
*delegate of Y* "That's an interesting question(I hope you burn in hell, delegate of X) but *answers the question perfectly that delegate of X shuts up feeling dumb* "


Or like when we had a crisis mode, anonymous came into the committee with armed men, and they started shouting how we should stay seated and not move, I felt like starting a dance routine just for the fun of it to see if they would abduct me or something. But I didn't so yeah.

Anyways, MUN is one of the greatest expirience of my life.

(Picture to the side of my placard, full of notes from my fellow delegates, I love them.)

Stay amazing, BEAUTIFUL readers xx

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