Things I heard too much in 2016

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I'm slowly recovering and I've got an idea to make a list of things I heard too much in 2016:

1. "Wow fab you look like a girl." -my neighbours //oh I'm sorry was I not supposed to?

2. "You know you could reach really great places but you're always so damn unsure of yourself" -my math and economics teacher, and my friend. // uh.. sorry?

3. "Stop planning things you worry too much" -everyone.

4. "You drink too much alcohol give your liver a break"

5. "You lost so much weight this is unhealthy" -my family when they found out I dropped eight pounds unwillingly.

6. "You keep getting prettier" -bunch of random people. // uh thanks? It's kinda puberty's job??

7. "So you have a boyfriend AND a girlfriend??" No uh. No.

8. "If you were to choose between men and women who would you pick??"

9. "Send nudes" lol sorry I had to.

10. "You read too much" is that a compliment or?

11. "Wait your name is fabienne? Double n? Isn't it boys name??" Uuuuuuuh

12. "Have you been lifting?" Yeah, lifting the weight of my existence since 99'

13. "Oh you're graduating?? But you look 12!!" Uh, sorry?? i guess??

So that was a bunch of stuff I heard too much, I'd like to know what are the things people have said to you repeatedly this year!!

Also I want to thank you all for your supportive comments, it really helped xx

Stay amazing,
Fab xx

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