Q&A answers.

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What do you think about the twenty one pilots lawsuit?

Honestly I don't know what to say I didn't even know it was happening until you told me so.

Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

[[Is is a metaphor?? if so, my closet doors are halfway open!!!! ]] And if this is not a metaphor I close them bc mom had this superstition that sleeping with closet doors open takes away your happiness. \\I don't believe it though. but you know, just in case\\

How dank are your memes?

Oh god idk

What is the worst thing that someone said to you?

"You're disgusting" because of my sexuality.

Who do you regret meeting?

A bunch of boys that only like me for my looks.

Sweet or savoury?

Can it be both?

What are your 2 am thoughts?

Will I get murdered? I should write more. I need coffee. [[Is on the phone with my friend]].

Fruits or vegetables?


What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done??

uMMM when we were in camp my pants ripped in half and I kinda noticed after doing half the activities and my tent-mate told me uugjujsgdfusdfjsd

What's the best thing you've ever done?

Winning second prize in poetry tbh tbh tbh. Also kissing a girl oops.

What's the best movie you've ever seen?

Um The pianist [[I love adrien brody uGHHH]]

What genre of books do you like to read??

Sad stuff, mystery stuff, stuff that makes me cry but never cliche romances.

How do you be perfect??

uh idk puberty helped a lot tbh tbh tbh bbut


What is the worst thing you've ever done?

not carping every diem.

Have you been in a cringe phase??

Ofcourse I was omf in 9th grade I had boys hair and I was mistaken for a boy for about a year. I'll post pics omf

 I'll post pics omf

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Engineer or doctor?


Best advice you've got?

Don't do something you wouldn't feel comfortable doing.


So that was it! thank you all for the questions! also we've reached 14k reads few days ago, so I want to thank you for that, because you really are the reason I still write here.

Stay amazing!!


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