Why? Because you're a GIRL.

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Now, don't get me wrong and all, I just hate how some societies are discriminating women, and my society is one of them; why?
Because we are women.

And it just sucks to see how women gets their rights stolen because of so many things, like honestly, think about some things with me;

Why do we blame women when they get raped?
Why don't we blame the rapist?
Why do we tell the girl to cover up,
But we don't tell the guy to stay in his lane?

Why is it that it's the women's fault? Why is it that women get all the discrimination, and we praise the man?

And it's not only about rape here, it's also about things that happen on social media;
Why do we slut-shame the girls if their nude gets leaked or show some cleavage but we praise the guy for posting a picture of himself naked.
Don't you ever wonder?

Also, why do they think of women as useless?
Like sorry man, but when you get home, it's your wife who cooks, washes the dishes, cleans up, washes your clothes, irons your shirt, I don't know, maybe you're lost without her????

And also in my society, if the family has only girls, elders get quite mad.
(My grandparents hates me bcs I'm a girl) you know? like being a girl IS NO MOTHER EFFING SHAME!

Or like if there's a family made out of a guy and so many other sisters, they let the guy do whatever he wants to!
The guy would be on drugs and the parents would be fine with that, but when the girl is seen talking with a boy? They'd go coo coo on her and ban her from seeing the sun.

There's this other thing also; like here we rarely ever have women judges at courts and all, why? because she's a girl, she's weak and all. this is what they say.

Why do they ground the girl for loosing her V-card but do nothing if the guy has intercourses with girls?

I don't even know.

I'm not saying that boys are bad, don't get all crazy, it's just what my society deals with, and I wanted to talk about it.

But if you have more ideas, I'd be glad to see them in comments, and if you can relate, leave a vote.

Fab x

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