Types of people at school

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Another update!! YAASS

Just saying that this is basically the type of people I will have to put up to at my school, just saying.

1. The famous beeches.

Basically these think they are on top, and the stupid ones at my school make them believe it, it's mostly girls, okay well it's all girls, these girls are friendly with ones like them, otherwise you're well nobody.

2. The fail beeches.

I should've actually named the beeches queen bees but I'm lazy so yeah, but the fail beeches think they are popular with their little clique of nobody's, they think they rule the place when they're just a joke to most.

3. The beeches.

I think you just noticed what my school is made out of LOL okay moving on, but these are the queen bee's but they just don't belong with number 1.

(it's something I'll never understand)

4. The "we're so cool bcs we think we belong with the bee's"

These, I hate them with their attitude of 'queen bee knows my name therefor I am cool'

No you're not you're annoying and I would like to beat your face.

5. The 'we're cool' but we're actually not

This one my dear is for the guy's category. and the title just says it all.

6. The 'Know it all'

They're so annoying, what would you feel if your class is full of them?

I'd tell you, shut up the entire time bcs duh they are way better.

They have this power that drops your confidence lower than Harry's voice for god's sake.

Well that's all I think, I'd love to know what type of people you have at your school and don't forget to leave a vote!

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