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So today this guy thought it was cute to slightly hit the back of my neck.
It wasn't even a hit it was more like a pat, but I slapped him.

(my hand hurt when I did, by the way)

In his defense, he said it didn't hurt.

But yeah I guess he thought I'll go all "Tee hee hee damn your hand is so hot, tee he heee *flips hair*"

And if you think I'm that kind of girl, please gently change your mind because


I don't care if it was a gentle hit, if you lay a hand on me in any way that I do not like, I'm going to slap you.

Because if I allowed you to slightly hit me, you'll think it will be okay to slap me harder or just do any boyish thing boys do to girls in my class sigh.

Like we have boys hitting girls violently thinking it's fun just because the girl laughed???

what kind of world is this???

have some respecT???

As you can see I'm a really reserved person in class and stuff, like I really would like to be friends with guys and all in my class but since they're very violent lol we're just acquaintances but I'm very content with this, I seek to be respected because well sigh, I respect almost everyone so.

omg double update today yay fab yaaay.

I'm having this wave of thoughts *applauds*

stay fabulous!!!

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