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I really do apologize for the late update, but now I'm back!


Let me just start by talking about appearances, we all know no matter how many times you'll say "I don't care about looks" I know you still do, we all do, I do too.
I'm not saying you judge people by their appearances, but you still preffered they were better looking don't you?
Like if that guy had better eyebrows or if that girl was skinnier or I don't know, and that's something we can't help but do, because our eyes can't see what's on the inside from the first time.

So yea, and it's quite sad isn't it? 

Because looks can give us a wrong idea;

That pretty skinny girl at school can be the rudest meanest person you might have ever met.

And that 'ugly' guy in your class can be the sweetest nicest person ever.

Like this not so attractive guy in my class offered me chocolate the other day. KIT KAT IT WAS A KIT KAT OKAY? Like damn that was nice *-*

So I don't know what to say much and this isn't my best rant but yea, how about we try just try to know the person before we call her/him names okay?

#Let'sNotJudgePeopleByLooks <- damn dat hashtag.

LIKE LIKE people in my class' been calling Eminem (my idol) countless names, and after me talking 3 pages about his struggles in life, I got an applause (Best moment of my life to be honest) so yah. Think before you speak and Know the story before you judge.

Not my best rant but I've been running out of ideas HELP HELP 


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