Things that happen during exams

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So tomorrow's my last day of finals and I can't wait to get it over with. So I was quite inspired by everything that happens during this period of time.

1. Lots of crying. I got halfway through my finals and I ended up having last tuesday a huge breakdown because I can't.

2. Motivation hunt. I probably spent my time trying to study rather than actually studying.

3. Sitting in the exams room laughing at the test paper because you didn't expect none of this shit.

4. When you finish the test early and no one handed in theirs yet so you look at them and you sort of make eye conversation with them to hand in papers together #allinthistogether.

5. Estimating how much you'd get on the subject when you just can't find anything easy to solve.
In my physics exam I gave up so I just started calculating "if I get 2 points on this excercise and one on that.... Yep I could definitely get 8/20 on this test ok cool no problemo"

6. Laughing because you know you're doomed once you see the test.

7. Coming out of the exam cursing your teacher for being such a mean ass and then planning ways to kill him.

8. When you're so tired and you hand in your last test so you do this victory dance while exiting the room as you hop joyfully on your way home.

So that was it! But if you have any other ideas I'd love to know them! Just leave them in the comments below.

Thanks for 10K reads. You're amazing and I love you.

Question: how would you feel if I made a tumblr/twitter and which one would you suggest me getting?

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