Why parties aren't a great place to hang out with me.

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//long tittle but as youngs ones would say: yolo (cause who needs the afterlife rite??)//

So I've been asked to hang out with so many of my friends and I love hanging out with people and it's all fun and games untill they are like "okay um so there's this party maybe you could join me" *deletes their number, pretends it never happened*

Fab wtf y r u so mean wtf they're nice with u wtf u ungr8tful betch.

So here's why parties aren't a great place to hang out with me:
1. The enormous amount of people gathering and dancing all makes it very hard for me to breathe, get an anxiety attack, and cry.
//also any crowded place is a no no for me//
For instance I was at this party yesterday bc I haven't seen my friend in so long, and I saw an old friend dude thing so I took him to an empty spaced area-thank god it was an outdoors party- But I ended up going home by 11 bc of so many ppl being around.

2. Too many youngsters getting drunk just to seem "cool" (add that to the list of things I can't tolerate)

3. I'm too awkward when it comes to dancing so I try but I'm still awkward cause this one time I danced with a guy and oh god Im so awkward.

4. The loud music makes it impossible for us to talk. And hanging out, to me is sitting with someone in a nice place and having a conversation. I don't want to be yelling in anyone's ear.

5. The fact that I made too many mistakes at a party once haunts me and I'm too scared it might happen again.

6. The fact that I might come across people from my school makes me so anxious.

So yeah that's all.
Do you like parties? Tell me all about it in the comments!

Stay amazing,
Fab xx

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