Perspective of my society

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So if you haven't known, I think my country is the most mixed country, and having a country full of so many different people will make you think we get along right?
Well I'm sorry to tell you that Lebanese are the most narrow minded people you can ever get to meet.
Now lucky for you I'm not like that, but honestly, some parents still believe in violence, and some still force their children into marriage and all.

But that's not only it, you see, in my country, once you finish 9th grade you have to choose your courses okay?
And let me just say that at least 70% takes the scientific courses and in these, there are so many students in these courses because they are forced to, because in my country, if you're not a doctor or an engineer you're lame and stupod and worthless.

And lucky me I took the Socio Economy courses because my school has literature courses because that's for 'stupid' people, and whenever I meet someone, well the conversation goes a bit like this:

"Oh hey fab you're in 10th grade?" *Smiling wide*
"Yes" *smiles proudly*
"What courses. scientific or literature?" *Still smiling*
"Oh I took the socio eco courses because my school doesn't have literature courses"
*Person stops smiling*
"....And I want to become a writer..."
*Person's jaw drops* "Oh.. A writer" *disgusted face*
Okay I did'n't say that to her, at least not out loud.

But you see, I'm tired of people being like that to me, because the next person is going to get bitch slaped.
And it's sad how many doctors graduate from my country, and sadder there perspective of "smart" like honestly, nothing is worse than my society.

But do you want to know why parents force their kids into science courses?
I have the answer;

Because they want to show off, you see, Lebanese people love to show off a lot, and by a LOT i mean it, A HELL FUCKING LOT.

Okay that's enough I'll shut up before some lebanese citizen reads this and slays me to pieces.

Peace, fab.

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