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Now before I start don't get me wrong I love taking a selfie, but not everytime my heart beats okay?

There's a fine line between just a selfie and a milion one, in unecessary times.

Like yea sure, I'm sure you want a photo with your friends or something, but is it really like worth stopping the traffic of busy teenagers for?

Seriously I love selfies but I don't just well take over loaded ammount of ones.

Like today, I was going to my bus with at least a hundred hurried to go home teenagers when this 8th grader felt the awesome need to stop in the middle of the crowded hall to take a selfie with her 'friend'

IS IT REALLY THAT IMPORTANT? or are you just showing your iphone cover? Because that damn thing hit my head bedause you had to stretch your hand to the max for that selfie of yours.


I don't know but yes it IS annoying because these take selfies in the morning too.

Oh god, sometimes these people make me hate selfies so hard.

Just stop with that!

Short update but one more is coming up now I just have to right it, it will be about types of people at school, so I hope you check it out and give me feedback, also do share your annoying selfie takers experience so we can all feel the pain.

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